2021-04-152022-04-262021-04-152022-04-262021-03-11SANTOS, Jean Silveira dos. A diversidade do trabalho por conta própria no Brasil: precarização e autonomia. 2021. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2021.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/11251The objective of this master's research is to understand the diversity of self-employment in Brazil, above all, due to the precariousness and autonomy aspect. Its specific objectives are to understand the reasons that lead to the need for self-employment in Brazil; analyze how these informal works are developed and organized; investigate under what social context workers are inserted in these activities and understand which political strategies are considered to combat precarious and atypical jobs. It is known that the productive restructuring of capitalism significantly impacted the Brazilian labor market in the 1980s and, since then, the growth of the so-called informal sector has been noted along with the precariousness of formal work. In this sense, many workers excluded from the formal sector perceived, in informality, a possibility of support and autonomy. Based on this logic, self-employment is presented as an alternative, it is perceived as a territorial expression and part of urban daily life, where many workers seek to meet their needs and goals. The present geographic research is of a qualitative nature and is characterized by a bibliographic review in different areas of knowledge, by authors and authors from the “world of work”. This time, some questions are fundamental for the construction of the dissertation chapters, namely: what personal reasons and structural reasons drive the need for self-employment, in the reality of the Brazilian working class? How is the organization of the different works on its own account, from a strategic point of view? In what context are these workers inserted, considering the absence of protective labor laws and what are the policies that seek to face possible and relative social fragility? Seeking to answer these questions, the master's thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents a discussion on the reality of unemployment and low wages as aspects that compel or motivate workers to work on their own; the second chapter talks about how these works are carried out and organized, highlighting the possibility of a relatively low investment, the use of Information and Communication Technology in individualized work and family work; the third chapter concerns the vulnerability of work and self-employed workers, in addition to analyzing some policies to combat precarious work and promote work that is said to be decent from the perspective of the United Nations.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalTrabalho por conta própriaInformalidadePrecarização do trabalhoAutonomiaTrabalho informalSelf-employmentInformalityPrecarious workAutonomyInformal workCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAA diversidade do trabalho por conta própria no Brasil: precarização e autonomiaThe diversity of self-employment in Brazil: precariousness and autonomyDissertação