2015-10-232022-04-262022-04-262015-03-31BITENCOURT, E. L. Prospecção química de carboidratos isolados dos basidiomas das linhagens branca e cinza do cogumelo medicinal Grifola frondosa (“Maitake”). 2015. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4757Mushrooms have been valued as a functional food and dietary supplement for humanity, due to the presence of substances with high nutritional value and/or therapeutic. Among the mushrooms recognized for its therapeutic properties we have is the leafy Grifola, popularly known as “Maitake”, which has important pharmacological actions such as anti-tumor, immunomodulatory, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and others, which have been mainly related to its carbohydrates. Nevertheless, this study aimed to review the chemistry of the polysaccharides from mushroom of the two lines ("white" and "gray", represented as Gfb and Gfc, respectively) of G. frondosa leafy that have been cultivated in Brazil. From these type it was obtained branched -glucans containing links of type (13) (16) and heteropolysaccharides formed mainly by galactose (heterogalactan) or mannose (heteromannan). The heterogalactan composed mainly of fucose (15.7%), mannose (20.5%) and galactose (63.8%) was denominated fucomannogalactan (FMG-Gfb). It contains a main chain consisting of units of α-D-Galp and 3-Me-O-α-D-Galp connected (16), which are present partially substituted by O-2 disaccharide 3-O- α-D-Manp-α-L-Fucp to a lesser extent with terminal non-reducing α-L-Fucp and α-D-Manp. The heteromannan composed of fucose (6.9%), xylose (33.1%) and mannose (60.0%), a fucoxylomannan (FXM-Gfc) was found to be composed of a backbone of units α-D-Manp (13) connected, and a part of them substituted by O-3 side chains made of fucose and xylose. The results of this study suggest that there are no significant differences between the carbohydrate of both strains, showing that white strain it provide the therapeutic effects attributed to carbohydrates of another strain.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCogumelos medicinaisGrifola frondosaPolissacarídeosMedicinal mushroomGrifola frondosaPolysaccharidesCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICAProspecção química de carboidratos isolados dos basidiomas das linhagens branca e cinza do cogumelo medicinal Grifola frondosa (“Maitake”)Chemical prospecting carbohydrates isolated from the basidiocarps of white and gray lines of medicinal mushroom Grifola frondosa "Maitake"Dissertação