2019-04-112022-04-262022-04-262019-03-11SILVA, L. C. S. Sistema de Gerenciamento Ambiental (SGA): uma proposta para instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). 2019. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9470Environmental problems are a concern of all organizations, including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In addition to the responsibility to disseminate technical knowledge, they should educate students to have public awareness about sustainability, as well as being examples within their university campuses, developing actions to reduce and control the environmental impacts generated by them. This dissertation deals with the first strategy of this approach, with the general objective of proposing an EMS model directed to HEI and considering environmental practices in the areas of teaching, research and extension, with a view to the continuous improvement and quality of life of the academic community. The SGA is defended in the literature as a successful tool for HEIs, for managing environmental problems and benefiting campus sustainability. Thus, in order to comply with the general objective, SGA models for HEI were identified in the literature to analyze the structure employed and the practices performed. ANBT NBR ISO 14001: 2015 was the reference that this study is oriented towards the elaboration of the EMS model, so the structure, as well as the procedures and orientations of the norm are used in this proposal. The indicators for the evaluation of environmental performance in the EMS, as well as actions in the scope of teaching, research and extension were obtained through the analysis of important studies in the area of environmental management. As for methodological procedures, the scientific explanation is hypothetical - deductive, since a proposition is analyzed; the research approach is qualitative; the research procedure is the theoretical-conceptual and content analysis was the technique of data analysis. A theoretical framework was used that represents the steps performed for the construction of the proposed model. The main results were: (a) the finding that ISO 14001 is the most used standard, but there are many difficulties for its implementation in Brazil, having only one Brazilian university with the implementation and certification, (b) identifying the relevance of this study (c) the differentials of the proposed model in comparison to the other EMS models, highlighting the particularities in the structure, guidelines for implementation, examples of effective practices for each stage, proposition of three groups of indicators, one of them being the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), in addition to the quality tools that are indicated in some stages of the model. Also, this work promotes contributions in the academic and business fields, insofar as it proposes a model of environmental management system that uses ISO 14001 as a reference; presents a bibliographical research on themes related to sustainability and enables the dissemination and understanding of the responsibilities of HEIs, as well as their role as environmental educators and agents of transformation.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSistema de Gerenciamento AmbientalImpactos ambientaisUniversidadesSustentabilidadeEnvironmental Management SystemEnvironmental impactsUniversitiesSustainabilityENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAOSistema de Gerenciamento Ambiental (SGA): uma proposta para instituições de Ensino Superior (IES)Environmental Management System (EMS): a proposal for higher Education Institutions (IES)Dissertação