2017-03-202022-04-262022-04-262016-02-16OLIVEIRA, M. V. P. Objetos digitais de aprendizagem no estudo das oscilações harmônicas: contribuições ao ensino de física. 2016.72 f. Dissertação(Mestrado em Ensino de Física em Rede) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/6968This dissertation is an account of experience in the elaboration, implementation and application of the present educational product, which gave the opportunity to investigate alternative ways of producing a virtual learning object for the teaching of the topic of physics in general called simple harmonic movement (SHM). Developed in the form of webpages and containing animations in Adobe Flash on html pages, the educational product illustrates various physical situations / physical models, molded into the SHM content. The educational product aims at the meaningful learning of this topic of physics, we seek to establish a less abstract character, which facilitates and enables the teaching-learning process of oscillatory physical systems, thus leading the students to reflect the contents and better understanding of the themapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de físicaObjeto de aprendizagemAprendizagem significativaWebpagesMídia digitalProfessorPhysics teachingLearning objectMeaningful learningWebpagesDigital mediaTeacherCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::FISICAObjetos digitais de aprendizagem no estudo das oscilações harmônicas: contribuições ao ensino de físicaDigital learning objects in the study of harmonic oscillations: contributions to physical educationDissertação