2014-09-192022-04-262022-04-262013-06-14FREITAS, Adriana de Oliveira. Atuação do professor de apoio à inclusão e os indicadores de ensino colaborativo em Goiás. 2013. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2013.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3105The role of the Special Education professionals are becoming an essential condition for education and inclusion of students with special educational needs. The support of these students has raised the discussion of the relationship Common Education Network in Regular and Special Education, ie involves the debate on the need to develop a coordinated action between different educational agents within the school inclusion. In this sense the collaborative approach between these various actors involved in the education of these students: Regents Professor common class, support teacher `inclusion, teacher resource rooms multifunctional, family and community, is assuming a key role in a relationship positive among these professionals to contribute to the promotion of academic success of students with educational needs and other students of the school. So understand how the work has constituted the Special Education Professional allows you to analyze aspects of the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. Thus, we chose to define the teacher to support inclusion, as this professional has assumed an important role in the implementation of inclusion policies in Goiás So ask yourself: How has the role of teacher to support inclusion? What indicators are present in collaborative teaching and teacher performance to support inclusion? The main objective of this research is to analyze the words of teachers to support inclusion of their educational practices and indicators that they present for collaborative teaching. In this research we used the collaborative research, this type of research the researcher and seek data also enables the continuous training of teachers, space for teachers to have freedom of expression, the analyzes were carried out in stages which is subdivided into six meetings. In the first meeting held by Oceesp participating teachers to be informed about the objectives and risks of the study signed the Terms of Consent (IC), agreeing to participate in the research, thereby allowing the use of their lines and all registration information listed during the search. In addition, the teachers answered a questionnaire on appearing on your identifying information, education and performance. Was focused on the role and activities of teachers to support inclusion through a press conference. The desk study on the role and performance of the teacher Inclusion support and collaborative learning was conducted in order to inform and enlighten teachers about national and state legislation on special education and inclusion, contextualizing the role and function of the teacher support, providing a better understanding of collaborative learning, its relationship with the classroom teacher, culminating in the synthesis of the data.application/pdfAcesso AbertoInclusãoProfessor de apoio à inclusãoEnsino colaborativoInclusionInclusion support teacherLearning collaborativeEDUCACAO::TOPICOS ESPECIFICOS DE EDUCACAOAtuação do professor de apoio à inclusão e os indicadores de ensino colaborativo em GoiásRole of Teacher Support and Inclusion Indicators Education Collaborative in GoiásDissertação