2015-01-302022-04-262022-04-262014-02-27LIMA, Daniel Fernando de. Formação e profissionalização de pedagogas do interior de Goiás a partir de suas biografias educativas. 2014. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4047Objective to analyze the life histories and the formation of teachers/pedagogues egresses of the Pedagogy course on Catalão campus, on the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Through interviews and memorials, I seek to reveal the following problem: how are effective the relationships between the training they had and training they provide while teachers? The general objective of this research is to elaborate reflections from educational biographies of the teachers interviewed, recovering his memories and meanings about training and professionalization throughout their lives. The specific objectives of this, in turn, consist of: 1) analyze the importance of lifelong education egresses of these teachers of the Pedagogy course, 2) reflect on the professionalization of these teachers, and 3) understand the relations between training and professionalization signified by them. In this sense, the guiding point of this research refers to the reflection of four teachers, relating the story of their own lives with lifelong training and professionalization. For this, I tried to work from the educational biographies, which, as Honorio Filho (2009), present in its developmental perspective, but also provide the narration itself caused by another, in case I, the researcher Daniel. The narrative itself caused by the researcher is not only the desire to tell, but to tell another very specific. From the understanding of how teachers/pedagogues live, I seek, therefore, to understand how the formation of these women as teachers, as well as their dialectical relations in society, demonstrating thus the relevance of life history in the formation processes.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHistórias de vidaFormação ao longo da vidaProfissionalizaçãoProfessorasPedagogasLife storiesFormation throughout lifeProfessionalizationTeachersPedagoguesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOFormação e profissionalização de pedagogas do interior de Goiás a partir de suas biografias educativasTraining and professionalization of the interior of Goiás pedagogas from their educational biogrphiesDissertação