2020-03-172022-04-262022-04-262020-02-18GOMES, Ingride Chagas. O subsistema de atitude no discurso de cinco professoras de letras que atuam fora da área específica de formação em Catalão - GO. 2020. 147 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2020.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10436This work has the main objective of investigating the discourse of teachers of basic education in Catalão-GO, who teach subjects that are not of their specific training. To do so, I use the Appraisal System as a theoretical basis, which falls within the scope of Systemic-Functional Linguistics. The aim was to find out how the teacher who works outside the area of his education sees himself within this social context where he works, identifying and analyzing the lexical-grammatical elements used by the participants when analyzing their teaching practice. The corpus used was extracted from semi-structured interviews conducted with five teachers graduated in Literature and who teach other subjects besides the Portuguese / English Language and work in the municipal education system in the city of Catalão-GO. These interviews were recorded and transcribed. Then, the corpus was submitted to the computational tool WordSmith Tools 4.0, which was used to assist in the quantitative analysis for the categorization of the data collected. This research is directed from Applied Linguistics, from Functional Systemic Linguistics and, more specifically, from the Appraisal System proposed by Martin and White (2005). This System is subdivided into three types: attitude, engagement and gradation. Of these three, our qualitative analyzes are based on the Attitude Subsystem that expresses the evaluations of affection, judgment and appreciation. The theoretical framework is based on the studies of Halliday (1994) and Martin and White (2005), who are the researchers who disseminated the Systemic-Functional theory and the Appraisal System. This system has the function of systematizing, describing and analyzing evaluation in language, a factor that led us to choose the Appraisal System to be the basis of our analyzes. I also based myself on the postulates of Almeida (2010), Vian Jr. (2010) and Fuzer and Cabral (2014), which are references regarding the spread of research developed within the scope of the LSF and the Appraisal System in Brazil. The results showed that there is a large amount of self-assessments of affection and judgment, evaluations that indicated the discomfort felt by these teachers when working outside their specific area of training. In addition, the participants also provide assessments of appreciation of classes, disciplines and the management team. It was possible to note that the conduct and analysis of the interviews with these teachers promote a critical reflection on this reality in the educational context, that is, that of teachers deviated from their specific training. I hope that this research will contribute to future works developed in the area of Applied Linguistics and Functional Systemic Linguistics.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação de professorGramática sistêmico - funcionalProfessores da educação básicaAnálise do discursoSistema de avaliatividadeTeacher trainingSystemic-functional grammarBasic education teachersDiscourse analysisAppraisal systemLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTESO subsistema de atitude no discurso de cinco professoras de letras que atuam fora da área específica de formação em Catalão - GODissertação