2015-01-192022-04-262022-04-262014-03-06NASCIMENTO, Aline Cristina. E cadê o campesinato que estava aqui? a transformação do território do Vale do Rio São Marcos a partir da hidrelétrica Serra do Facão. 2014. 148 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia), Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3913The objective of our analytical effort in this research work focuses on understanding the transformation of a fraction of the planning process , starting with the analysis of peasant territory to reach the unfolding given to peasants after the construction of the hydroelectric reservoir Sierra Facão. It is this question that guides this research , whose geographic divisions is flooded by the reservoir of the hydroelectric Sierra Machete , the San Marcos River Valley area, which had a rapid process of territorial transformation in a short time . To understand this metamorphosis we assume that the logic of construction planning is a dialectical unity in which both occur the construction , destruction , maintenance , and of course the transformation . In this context , we try to unravel this process by identifying three historical moments : the formation of peasant territory , territoriality peasant , peasant based on the triad of land, labor and family and consolidated by Peasant Community , the transformation of the territory given by the reservoir hydroelectric Sierra Facão with the aim of creating value , producing and reproducing capital and finally, the meaning and destiny of dispossessed peasants .application/pdfAcesso AbertoCamponesesExpropriaçãoTerritórioResistênciaHidrelétricasPeasantsDispossessionTerritoryStrengthHydroelectricCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAE cadê o campesinato que estava aqui? a transformação do território do Vale do Rio São Marcos a partir da hidrelétrica Serra do FacãoThe peasantry and where was here? the transformation of the territory of the San Marcos River Valley from the Sierra hydroelectric FacãoDissertação