2016-01-292022-04-262022-04-262015-09-24MORAIS, P. C. Um estudo de normas ortográficas e de configurações lexicais em inscrições tumulares em cemitérios do sudeste goiano. 2015. 316 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/5171In this research interested in doing a study of the use of orthographic norms and expressions of Portuguese language in tomb inscriptions collected in four cemeteries of Goiano Southeast, specifically in the municipalities of Catalão, Ipameri, Santa Cruz de Goiás and Silvânia, one cemetery by municipality. For this purpose, our main objective was to investigate the lexicon and the use of orthographic norms of Portuguese in tomb inscriptions in cemeteries of Goiano Southeast and, thus, answer the questions: if there was the use of orthographic norms in the tomb inscriptions; if in the inventoried expressions of tomb inscriptions was necessary contain the words life, death or its synonyms for this idea to be represented. Thus, our main hypothesis was that the tomb inscriptions, as written manifestations, could present deviations to the orthographic norms in vigor at the time they were written and that would not be necessary the presence of words like death, life or their synonyms to represent this idea in the inventoried expressions of tomb inscriptions. The methodology used for the separation of data in both perspectives, orthographic and lexical, was adopted by Megale and Toledo Neto (2005), and these data, words and expressions, organized by municipality and the prestipulated periods, taking into consideration the following periods of orthography of the Portuguese in Brazil: 1931 – First Orthographic Agreement between Brazil and Portugal; 1943 – Publication of the Orthographic Form (Pequeno Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa); 1971 – Law with emphasis on changing of the accent marks; 1990 – New Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language, approved in 2008, with adaptation time of 2009 to 2012 and would be permanently implanted in 2013, but postponed to the year 2016. For the analysis of the data in the orthographic perspective the words were selected, to our eyes, as if they had orthographic deviations, and the analysis made considering the time they were registered, based on the orthographic norms in vigor on the periods and dictionaries of the epoch. To analyze the data in lexical perspective, we selected the inventoried expressions of tomb inscriptions collected by sampling criteria. Once the expressions have been selected, the words present in the same was analyzed based on the view of many lexicographers.application/pdfAcesso AbertoInscrições tumularesOrtografia da Língua PortuguesaLéxicoMorteVidaTomb InscriptionsOrthography of Portuguese LanguageLexiconDeathLifeLINGUISTICA::FISIOLOGIA DA LINGUAGEMUm estudo de normas ortográficas e de configurações lexicais em inscrições tumulares em cemitérios do sudeste goianoA study of orthographic norms and lexical configurations in tomb inscriptions in cemeteries of goiano southeastDissertação