2017-03-072022-04-262022-04-262016-12-16DE PAULA, F. L. Perfil empreendedor e performance no âmbito de microempreendedores individuais: um estudo em Catalão (GO). 2016. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/6909Over the years, research on entrepreneurship has grown significantly and has been the object of a multidisciplinary study of several areas with different interpretations. This dissertation approaches the theme in the context of individual microentrepreneurs and aims to establish the interconnections between the Catalão's individual micro entrepreneurs and the business' performance's characteristics, using as reference an evaluating proposed scale which was adapted and validated for this context. Such studying problem started from a gap of research identified in the literature which refers to topics linked to entrepreneurship and to the individual micro entrepreneurs (MEI).So it was developed an instrument adapted from the realization of the focal group's achievement with the opinions of specialists in entrepreneurship, MEI and the experience of a pre test done through a probable sample with the target public, instrument for this research. In order to indentify the effort of the MEI, it was based on the Sebrae´sdatas and also based on the websites Portal do Empreendedor, Tribunal Eleitoral de Goiás e Receita federal. It was done the Factorial Exploiter Analysis through the SPSS Statistics Program version 23.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Science in order to validate statistically the action proposed in this essay. Once the structured database was properly owned, describing analysis were made to characterization of the type of the sample and nonparametric tests (Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis) to match the entrepreneurs characteristics profile with the variables of performance. IT was used the Correlation of Speaman to accomplish the main goal of this research. However, it can be conclude that the sample is composed mostly of women, with a mean age of 46,66 years with a high school diploma and a mean of 0.62 courses per year. The currentis the only activity they carry out and most are located in the commerce sector. In the Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests, it was found that men presented a higher score in FACTOR 3 (Need of realization) and higher average turnover in the analyzed period. In Spearman's correlation, it was found that there is a significant and positive interconnection between FACTOR 1(Planning) and average turnover, and that entrepreneurial characteristics and business performance are stronger in women.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEmpreendedorismoPerformanceMicroempreendedor individualEntrepreneurshipPerformanceMicroentrepreneursADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO DE EMPRESASPerfil empreendedor e performance no âmbito de microempreendedores individuais: um estudo em Catalão (GO)Entrepreneurial profile and performance in the field of individual microentrepreneurs: a study in Catalão (GO)Dissertação