2014-08-282022-04-262022-04-262013-06-24SANTOS, Yara Magalhães dos. Do mal-estar docente de professores do ensino médio: contribuições de Nietzsche e Freud. 2013. 124 f . Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2013.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/2944This study proposes a research about teacher malaise, including it as part of a larger social and cultural phenomenon present in all contemporary western society, but that wins peculiar characteristics in the practice of teaching. Specifically, the study has as its object of investigation the malaise of high school teachers of Uberlândia-MG, seeking to answer to the research problem, and thus understand the reasons of the malaise of this group of teachers. Therefore, it was held, in addition to bibliographical research about the topic, empirical research with a qualitative approach, which relied on data from oral sources. From the interviews, we seek to give voice to the anguish that reaches teachers in professional practice, trying to understand what is found behind the typical symptoms of malaise teaching, such as apathy, discouragement, frustration, physical and psychological diseases, and other issues discussed on the script. We also seek to shed light the context of career choice, the practice of teaching and historically constructed representations of teaching. In this study, we worked with two theoretical approaches to understand the reasons of the malaise: the psychoanalysis, of Freud, and the philosophy, of Nietzsche. Besides the classic texts of the authors, we based ourselves on texts by contemporary authors, descendants of these theoretical perspectives. The referential of Freud gives us a historical and structural analysis of the malaise in humanity; while Nietzsche enables us a culturalist view of some phenomena that are shown associated with that anguish that affects many teachers. We verified that some reasons of the malaise in high school are associated to failures of the educational process as operator of interdiction of students; the degenerescence and depreciation of some values in the educational field, more specifically the values of social recognition, teacher authority, and social ascension values attributed for education, and the "place mater" of knowledge attributed to the school. These failures characterize a nihilistic experience in the Nietzschean vision of sense of orphanhood, arising from the debacle of values that guided the magisterium, besides a complex movement of self-harm and inverted valuations , interpreted as action of bad conscience. All these factors are shown up as result of impasses constituted in community living and in the regulations that seek to regulate it, being these norms conceived as a state of civilization, morality, or simply as social ethics. The research results indicate the state of passivity and hopelessness of some teachers front of these issues. Having analyzed the reasons for the malaise, the research concludes that a overrun of this state of passivity requires the decoupling of the discourse that puts the teacher as a hostage and victim of these dilemmas. The study shows, for these teachers, the need for the exercise of their desire to potency, human power affirmative. It also postulates the importance of reinventing a new ethic school that reconciles the cultural and social changes of contemporaneity to the requirements for maintenance of community life with fewer conflictsapplication/pdfAcesso abertoMal-estar docenteMal-estarMá consciênciaNiilismo na educaçãoTeacher malaiseMalaiseBad conscienceNihilism in educationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAODo mal-estar docente de professores do ensino médio: contribuições de Nietzsche e FreudThe teacher malaise of high school teachers: contributions Nietzsche and FreudDissertação