2015-02-062022-04-262022-04-262014-01-22MARCIANO, E. P. O ludo e a ciência dos materiais cerâmicos: construindo conhecimento científico com alunos do ensino fundamental. 2014. 85 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4127This study investigated the lack of interest and motivation of elementary school students across the disciplines of science today, with the justification of instigating and providing innovative solutions to minimize this problem found within the classroom. In this context, research activities and action were performed as school visits and field -Catalan Ceramics for the preparation of the planning, development and execution of the work, thus proposing an alternative methodology using the theme “ceramics” to teach the theoretical and experimental classes in the discipline of science to address content “Soil” dynamic and interactive way. For this purpose, new technologies like data-show, facebook , and educational games were used . Thus , the activities were divided into two stages: The first stage of the design and development work, with bibliographical research in Science Teaching, work in the school - field National College “Dr. Jamil Sebba”, Catalão (GO), with interviews and research profile of the institution , as well as technical visit to the Catalan ceramics, building the theoretical and practical teaching material . And , in the second step, the slide presentation (starting at the theme "Soil", through processing of clay and finishing with traditional and advanced ceramic applications), preparation of educational video about clay modeling, experimental class with modeling clay profile on social networking, business cards and implementation of educational games, which are: Ceramics Trail (traditional game panel) and Ludo Ceramic (virtual game), employed by the site Ludo Education . The audience were 57 students of the National College "Dr. Jamil Sebba", Catalão (GO), mean age 9 to 11 years. These activities enabled satisfactory results, such as the construction of learning from prior knowledge of students on Ceramic Materials; encouraged participation through interactive activities such as lectures and practical use of educational games; promoted interaction and socialization of ideas for discussions in living room and extracurricular using the social network and thus stimulating the active participation of knowledge and interest in science seeking scientific knowledge.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNovas metodologias de ensinoJogos didáticosRede socialNew methodology of teachingDidatic gameSocial networkCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICAO ludo e a ciência dos materiais cerâmicos: construindo conhecimento científico com alunos do ensino fundamentalThe ludo and the materials science: building cientific knowledge with students of the elementary educationDissertação