2015-02-202022-04-262022-04-262014-01-30MESQUITA, A. P. Rural e urbano na vila do distrito de Pires Belo, município de Catalão (GO):a vida cotidiana e a relação com o lugar. 2014. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia)–Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4174Changes in the society-space relationship changed the academic debate surrounding the interpretations about the city and country. The traditional divisions between these spaces were renovated from events and actions that insert and modify what until then was perceived as rural or urban way. New studies on the small urban centers are inserted in this context, and should hold up in the face of these new approaches as it is to understand the rural and the urban parts of the same process that recognizes these spaces. Thus, this research arises from the need to understand the current changes in the field and in the city, which resonate in the Organization and Constitution of new spaces, with new features, and dynamic content. Small urban centers translates from the understanding the relationship field/city, seen that depend on a regional urban system and maintain meaningful relationships with its rural surroundings. The starting point for analysis of small urban centers relies on dimensions that go beyond visions focus on economic activities to recognize other dimensions, such as everyday life. The everyday is essential concept in the interpretation of these dynamics, and allows individual-centered analysis and in their relations with one another and with the place. The village of Pires Belo, municipality of Catalão (GO) was taken as empirical basis of this research, considered part of the Brazilian urban system that presents a rural way of life. Particularity that needs to be considered to meet the dynamism of urbanization process of the country. To understand the relationship between the rural and the urban in the village of Pires Belo, through the everyday life and the relationship with the place of the locals, discussed on: urban/rural; small urban centers; everyday life and place; way of life and culture. Documents examined of the IBGE (2001, 2010, 2012) laws and decrees (complementary law nº 4/1990; Constitutional amendment nº 15/1996; Municipal law nº 1,599/1997 among others). Applied of semi-structured and open interviews roadmaps, unstructured observation and photographic record was held in three moments between 2011 and 2013. The dissertation is organized into four sections, in addition to the introduction and closing remarks seeking to contemplate the objectives proposed to consider that the way of life of the village is characterized by a set of tangible and intangible elements, such as personal relations and relations with the place, which translate into specific ways of life and determine the form of organization of space. In the village, the relationship field/city and the reasons of permanence of rural ways of life are found in everyday life, in which, demonstrating links with rural areas and if you recognize the culture of the place. Reading the daily life of the village allows you to recognize their particularities, and thus, the aspirations of the population.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRural/urbanoVida cotidianaModo de vidaVila de Pires BeloCatalão (GO)Urban/RuralEveryday lifeWay of lifeVillage of Pires BeloCatalão (GO)CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIARural e urbano na vila do distrito de Pires Belo, município de Catalão (GO):a vida cotidiana e a relação com o lugarRural and urban village in the district of Pires Belo, municpality of Catalão (GO): everyday life and relationship with the placeDissertação