2019-02-042022-04-262022-04-262018-12-10SALIM, O. O. Crise de identidade no cooperativismo: um estudo de caso na cooperativa agropecuária de Catalão. 2018. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9268This study aimed to investigate the reasons for the identity crisis experienced by the agricultural cooperative of Catalão in the State of Goiás. The theme was chosen due to the relevance of the recent dynamism of agricultural cooperatives in the State of Goiás and Brazil. Through a case study, the dairy farming cooperative in the State of Goiás was investigated, specifically in the city of Catalão, currently in liquidation process. The study consisted in drawing the profile of the cooperative studied, verifying the management model adopted in the cooperative studied, and finally verifying the reason for the entry into liquidation process. Once chosen, a field survey was conducted with semistructured and unstructured interviews. With the data, we used the techniques of content analysis due to the fact that the study is qualitative approach. The data showed that the cooperative has defined the social interests of its members, since it provides the structure and services for this; in terms of economic balance sheets, it performs below expectations, mainly in terms of commercial and financial planning. When considering the liquidation process through which the cooperative is going through, one can notice an accumulation of debts by the cooperative of many years, and this added to the loss of competitiveness in the market. The cooperative also invested heavily in the social needs of its members, and the Fund for Educational and Social Technical Assistance (Fates) for this type of service is insignificant. This fact caused an imbalance between the social pole and the economic pole of the balance. The study showed that the cooperative did not elaborate a mercantile planning to sustain the business pole that is the main motor of balance. In this sense, the cooperative entered into an identity crisis with the loss of its associates in favor of companies competing in the field. The study made it possible to consider the following aspects: despite the weaknesses identified, the application of cooperative principles and values are still important to preserve the identity of the cooperative in order to achieve the true model of cooperative equilibrium.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCooperativaEquilíbrioIdentidadeCooperativeEquilibriumIdentityCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAOCrise de identidade no cooperativismo: um estudo de caso na cooperativa agropecuária de CatalãoIdentity crisis in cooperativism: a case study in the Catalão agricultural cooperativeDissertação