2016-05-192022-04-262022-04-262015-12-15GUIMARÃES, C. F. Avaliação psicológica para seleção de pessoal: características de personalidade de candidatos a vagas de emprego. 2015. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/5576For an organization to have satisfactory results it needs to have on satisfied employees and with good performance. Thus, the professional of personnel selection area has sought to investigate aspects related to interpersonal relationship and personality, as these characteristics have relation to job performance and success of the selection process. The personality assessment has been a challenge for psychologists considering that there are different ways to understand and evaluate this construct. In this perspective, the present study aimed to discuss aspects of personality assessment applied in personnel selection and had 108 participants. To this end two studies were conducted. The first aimed to evaluate the circular structure of the Checklist of Interpersonal Transactions – II (CLOIT-II) when applied in the personnel selection. Therefore, an investigation of the adequacy of CLOIT-II data to quasi-circumplex model was made considering the criteria of two-dimensional and constant radius. To test structure was used confirmatory multidimensional scaling (MDS with Proxcal algorithm). Furthermore, the locations of scales have been established in Euclidean space and calculated the Phi de Tucker coefficient and normalized raw stress. In order to evaluate the constant radius criterion was applied Fisher test. The results showed the presence of a two-dimensional model and an appropriate variation the CLOIT-II replicates the quasi-circumplex structure which points to the usefulness of this measure in the context of people management, particularly in the selection process. The second study aimed to (1) map the personality characteristics and interpersonal interactions of successful and failed candidates in the personnel selection; (2) compare the groups of candidates approved and reproved as the interpersonal profile and projected personality; (3) evaluate the perception formulated by the interview about the interpersonal characteristics of the candidates; (4) relate projective and interpersonal self-report methods to assess personality. To achieve these goals we used the Checklist of Interpersonal Transactions – II and Palográfico Test. To estimate interpersonal profiles assumed and perceived by the interview and also projected personality profile were calculated means and standard deviations of the variables. In order to compare the groups approved and reproved wascalculated the U Mann Whitney Test and to verify the relationship between projected measure of personality and self-report was estimated the Spearman correlation coefficient and them there was corrected for attenuation. The results showed that the two groups of candidates had very similar characteristics, therefore differed only in relation to the isolation position. In addition, the selectors were unable to assess the candidates’ interpersonal characteristics during the job interview. Already on the relationship between the two measures of personality, we found that certain characteristics, such as aggression and insecurity, people tend to project them and not take them.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRecrutamento e seleçãoAvaliação psicológicaPersonalidadeRelacionamento interpessoalModelo quasi-circumplexoRecruitment and selectionPsychological assessmentPersonalityInterpersonal relationshipQuasi-circumplex modelPSICOLOGIA DO TRABALHO E ORGANIZACIONAL::RECRUTAMENTO E SELECAO DE PESSOALAvaliação psicológica para seleção de pessoal: características de personalidade de candidatos a vagas de empregoDissertação