2014-11-262022-04-262022-04-262014-01-28RODOVALHO, Ana Marta Ribeiro Borges. A multiplicidade de vozes discursivas em a Força do destino, de Nélida Piñon. 2014. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3692To undertake an analytical work of a literary text through the prism of Discourse Analysis (AD) is a complex task, because it starts from a conception of language as an area where discourses are materialized, which are mobilized under the effect of opacity in a field of movement and displacement of directions. The complexity of this kind of work is due to the fact that such responses require considering the process of constituting the subject through discourse in its relation to the history, the conditions under which the discourse was forged, and also consider the social function and specificity of the aesthetic object. In this context, it is up to analyst to observe, to understand and to interpret linguistic and aesthetic aspects, taking into account, mainly, that such aspects are articulated to the socio-historical and cultural-ideological elements, put into play in the work. Should keep in mind, though, that the literary text, as another texts, imposes questions that need resolution. In the production of the effects of meaning in the text, these questions dialogue with exteriority and require answers to several questions such as: who sets out the work, about who or what, when, for whom, why and how sets out. From this position, this research proposes a reading of the novel A Força do Destino (AFD), by Nelida Piñon, under French AD, in interface with the dialogical-polyphonic studies of Bakhtin. The work taken as a corpus of this study is a metafictional narrative in which, through the parody, the narrator dialogues with the characters and the reader, updating, thus, the plot of the Italian opera La Fuerza del Destino, by G. Verdi. To scrutinize the effects of meaning produced in the discursive game established in the narrative, we affiliated, methodologically, with Foucault's studies on the discursive subject, considering that the relations between the subjects shown in the materiality are crossed by knowledge and power. In addition, we also use as a method, the notions of dialogism and polyphony, considering the (in) tense dialogue between discursive voices which is materialized in the work. Based on this methodology, we aimed to understand how subjects are organized to enunciate in AFD, from a dispersed and discontinuous dialogue, provocateur effects. And, to clarify how the multiplicity of voices in dialogue discursive materiality destabilizes the concept of author in postmodern narrative.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAnálise do discursoSujeitoDialogismoPolifoniaAutorDiscourse analysisSubjectDialogismPolyphonyAuthorLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAA multiplicidade de vozes discursivas em a Força do destino, de Nélida PiñonThe multiplicity of discursive voices in a Força do destino, by Nélida PiñonDissertação