2020-09-112022-04-262020-09-112022-04-262018-03-09SILVA, M. C. Comunidade quilombola dos Bagres em Vazante-MG: (re)existências e estratégias de (re)produção social. 2018. 148 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10662In the period from 1530 to 1888, Brazil was recognized as the country that most enslaved African people. The enslaved black people resisted this slave, oppressive, and colonial system originating the rural quilombos. The quilombola community of Bagres arises from this process of resistance in the mid-19th century, located in the city of Vazante, in the northwest of Minas Gerais. We conceive the Bagres Quilombolas as small family producers, considering the ways of land conservation, the economic formation and the organizational elements that allow the reproduction of these people. Regarding social (re) production in Bagres, in the mid-1950s, family production in the community was anchored in the planting of food for subsistence, in the creation of birds with casual participation of neighbors in the form of collective effort. However, currently, dairy farming stands out among activities in the Bagres community. Dairy farming in Bagres occurred from the modernization process of this activity, just as it happened in Brazilian territory, especially in the 1990s. During this period there was a restructuring of family production, through the installation of the multinational Nestlé in the city of Vazante (MG), the multinational promoted a rearrangement in the productive process of quilombolas, stimulating in the community the substitution of agriculture for dairy farming. It is worth mentioning that Nestlé, in the 2000s, withdraws from the territory, however, quilombolas remain in the dairy sector. In this way, we sought to understand the strategies of existence and social production in Bagres because of the modernization of the rural space. Therefore, the following aspects were considered: the relationship of these subjects with the territory, the identity construction, and the social and economic relations, developed in the Bagres community. We note that the strategies of existence and social production traverses both the material and the immaterial, from the festivities, from the sale of products other than milk, from the constant meeting with friends and family, from sociability relations that traverses the territory. We also observed that the permanence in the dairy sector as a source of primary income and rural labor, affirm a dialectical movement since this source of income is what allows their permanence in the territory, in the eyes of the quilombolas, considering that this kind of job has been passed down through the generations. Such elements constitute a multiplicity of relations present in the territory, conceived as attributes of the geographical space, guaranteeing the permanence of men and women in the quilombola community of Bagres.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilComunidades quilombolas(Re)existênciaReprodução socialTerritórioQuilombola community(Re)existenceSocial reproductionCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIA::GEOGRAFIA HUMANAComunidade quilombola dos Bagres em Vazante-MG: (re)existências e estratégias de (re)produção socialQuilombola community of Bagres in Vazante-MG: strategies of resistance and social reproductionDissertação