2017-09-192022-04-262022-04-262017-08-18OLIVEIRA, Lucas Floriano de. Elementos avaliativos em comentários de blogs de ensino de português para surdos sob a perspectiva do sistema de avaliatividade. 2017. 145 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/7764The objective of this research is to understand how the teaching of Portuguese for the deaf is being discussed by users of Portuguese blogs for the deaf, in which linguistic analyzes will be carried out under the Systemic-Functional Grammar. The research is of the qualitative-interpretative type and blogs have been used where tips on how to teach the Portuguese language to these students. Studies on the area of deafness showed that the Brazilian Sign Language(Libras) should be the first language to be acquired by the deaf, to further assist them in learning Portuguese as L2 or second language, in writing mode. The Systemic Functional Grammar is analyzed over Appraisal through the Portuguese language teaching blogs for the deaf by the GSF Attitude System applied in the comments of the participants of the posts of blogs who are professionals in teaching Portuguese to deaf people. Technological advances provide efficiency and convenience in the teaching-learning process of the Portuguese language through the use of blogs as a tool. We conclude that the blog advantage is favoring bilingualism and can be accessed in two languages or more. Thus, both Libras and Portuguese can help the deaf learning process, and they have also space for images which support the linguistic transcription of both languages.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de português para surdosPosts de professoresLinguística sistêmico-funcionalSistema de avaliatividadeTeaching portuguese for the deafTeachers’ postsSystemic-functional linguisticsAppraisal systemLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAElementos avaliativos em comentários de blogs de ensino de português para surdos sob a perspectiva do sistema de avaliatividadeDissertação