2019-04-022022-04-262022-04-262019-02-28FÉLIX, P. A. P. A mulher no discurso de Cora Coralina: uma análise do sistema de avaliatividade. 2019. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9421This research aims to investigate the lexical-grammatical elements in nine poems and a short story, based on the Appraisal subsystem, in order to understand how the writer Cora Coralina has the lexical-grammatical choices to refer to the woman. The corpus is composed of the following texts: The methodology was based on the reading and selection of literary texts with emphasis on the female figure: Todas as vidas; Antiguidades; A escola da Mestra Silvina; As tranças de Maria, Mulher da vida; A lavadeira; Mãe; A gleba de terra; O lampião da rua de fogo; Ofertas de Aninha.; then the theoretical texts were read. "The WordSmith Tools computational tool" Scott (2017) was used to quantify the data and accurately present the results. These data were then categorized according to their recurrence. The study was based on the system of Appraisal proposed by Martin and White (2005), which is based on the Systemic-Functional Linguistics (LSF), elaborated by Halliday (1994). It is based on the attitude subsystem that is part of the system of appraisal, which is divided into three subtypes: affection, judgment and appreciation. This study aims to bring contributions to research in literary texts that use the LSF to analyze the corpus. The main theoretical framework is based on studies by Halliday (1994), Martin and White (2005), Almeida (2010), Fuzer e Cabral (2014), Vian Jr. (2010), among others. The results demonstrated a greater expressiveness of the evaluation of judgment, in relation to the evaluations of affection and appreciation. One of the explanations of the fact that the evaluation of judgment stands out among the others, involves the historical context that dictated the behaviors that should be followed, mainly by the women. In this way, the writer reveals, in her writing, traces of this social imposition. It is noticed that there is a reflection on the part of the poet in relation to the standards and roles that the women should assume, and such questions become evident in the lexico-grammatical choices that are made by Cora Coralina. Finally, this research aims to contribute to the basis of analysis of texts using the system of evaluation, as well as for the area of ​​Applied Linguistics (LA). It is believed that the evaluations present in Cora Coralina's speech promote a reflection on the discourse about women, contributing to the research base within the scope of the LSF, as well as the opinions are realized linguistically in the discourse. In addition, it aims to bring contributions to research that has as a theme 'the woman', promoting questions about the challenges that are still present in modern society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCora CoralinaAvaliatividadeAtitudeMetafunçõesAppraisal systemAttitudeMetafunctionsLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTESA mulher no discurso de Cora Coralina: uma análise do sistema de avaliatividadeThe woman in Cora Coralina´s discurse: an analisys of Appraisal sistemDissertação