2015-11-122022-04-262022-04-262015-05-08FARIAS, R.S. A (des)construção da identidade erótica nos romances Uma Aprendizagem Ou O Livro Dos Prazeres, de Clarice Lispector, e As Parceiras, de Lya Luft. 2015. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4886This dissertation examines the identity paths of protagonists of the novels Uma aprendizagem ou O livro dos prazeres, of Clarice Lispector, and As parceiras, of Lya Luft, by the bias of erotic pulsation that is revealed through sexuality in the texts taken as corpus of analysis. Clarice Lispector (1920-1977), through the interior monologue, dives into the stream of consciousness of the protagonist Lori to reveal, through the untiring work with language, his love affair with Ulysses, which together construct their identities and the discovery of sexuality through the experiences throughout the novel. Lya Luft (1937 -) is a contemporary writer who brings up, in his fictional works, the problems and family ties of his time, through the most obscure labyrinths of the intimate life of the personages to find the guiding thread that unite them, through family ties and the problems resulting from a coexistence marked by isolation, death and madness. The objective is to analyze the trajectories that the personages thrash seeking to build and understand the sexuality among the family conflicts where they are inserted. The comparativism, as a methodology, is triggered to understand the relationship between the personages about the identity and erotic theme. The text is divided into three parts, namely: a) the paths of literary production of erotic nature and its literary value; b) the role of memory and identity in the construction of sexuality of the personages; and c) the presence of trauma as a catalyst instrument of transformation of the personages throughout the narrative. The dissertation is based on the theoretical support of identity and memory, in studies of literature and gender, among other studies and research related to trauma and violence.application/pdfAcesso AbertoLiteraturaIdentidadeErotismoSexualidadeFemininoLiteratureIdentityEroticismSexualityFemaleLINGUISTICA::FISIOLOGIA DA LINGUAGEMA (des)construção da identidade erótica nos romances Uma Aprendizagem Ou O Livro Dos Prazeres, de Clarice Lispector, e As Parceiras, de Lya LuftDissertação