2014-11-212022-04-262022-04-262013-02-20MESQUITA, Lívia Aparecida Pires de. O papel das mulheres na agricultura familiar: a comunidade rancharia, Campo Alegre de Goiás. 2013. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3673Familiar agriculture is an used concept to characterize the units of agricultural production, structuralized in the familiar work, who identify themselves by relationship among land, work and family. The (the) farmers (as) family have as one of the main characteristics of family control over the means of production, and this is primarily responsible for the execution of the work. The family is at the same time, unit of production and consumption, so, being from organized labor from and to the family, it becomes essential understand the spaces occupied by women in familiar agriculture. The recent transformations in the goiano agrarian space, with the advent of the modernization, had affected small and medium sized rural properties, leading to impoverishment and social exclusion of the small family farmer, what brought as a consequence the rural exodus. Given this context, it has been the constant adoption of different social and economic strategies for rural family production, which has enabled its insertion in capitalist society and the women's labor contributes to the permanence of the family in the countryside. However, the gender rations present in rural areas assigns different roles for each sex. Women are restricted to the private sphere of the home and even performing activities in the productive sphere these are considered as 'help'. While the man assumes the role of family provider, and him being booked the public place and the productive sphere. This division of labor causes the 'invisibility' of women's role in family farming, since his work in the domestic sphere does not generate income and tasks related to the production is considered only as aid. Given these considerations, we seek to understand the main aspects of family farming, as well the characteristics and importance of the role of women farmers in the community Rancharia, municipality of Campo Alegre de Goiás (GO). To carry out this work was performed a theoretical-conceptual review on familiar agriculture, women’s labor and gender relations. We also carried out desk research on the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Secretary of State for Management and Planning Goiás (SEGPLAN - GO). And field research, which was used as a source oral methodology with the completion of thirteen (13) Interviews with the producers and farmers community Ranchi, municipality of Campo Alegre de Goiás (GO) and four (4) interviews life history with two (2) younger and with two (2) older the Community. It is believed that the 'invisibility' of women's labor in familiar agriculture is associated with social and sexual division of labor. Moreover, the patriarchal culture, which is embedded in both the thinking of men and women, contributes to the view that the place of women's work is in the domestic sphere, connected care with the family and home, which characterizes work in production as complementary.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMulherAgricultura familiarRelações de gêneroComunidade RanchariaCampo Alegre de GoiásWomanFamily agricultureGender relationsCommunity RanchariaCampo Alegre de GoiásSOCIOLOGIA::OUTRAS SOCIOLOGIAS ESPECIFICASO papel das mulheres na agricultura familiar: a comunidade rancharia, Campo Alegre de GoiásWomen´s role in the familiar agriculture: the community rancharia, Campo Alegre de GoiásDissertação