2014-07-292022-04-262012-03-052022-04-262011-08-26SILVA, Juniele Martins. Familiar agriculture and territoriality: the communities Cruzeiro dos Martírios e Paulistas in the city of Catalão (GO). 2011. 172 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/386The studies on familiar agriculture in Brazil had greater approach from the decade of 1990. The emergency of the expression must it two spheres: a) in the field the conditional politician to them you strike of the social movements and the creation of the PRONAF; e b) for intermediary of some academic works. Familiar agriculture is understood as segment where the property and the work are on to the family, and, these possess proper cultural aspects crossed of generation the generation, forming its territorial identities. Thus, the familiar agriculturists possess, still, a territorial identity cultivated by subjective the objective and incorporeal bases material constituted, from the relations established with the territory and the culture through the values, traditions, beliefs and customs. From 1970 with the modernization of agriculture the difficulties of this group if had aggravated how much the conditions of insertion in the market, access the public politics among others, process that occurred in all domestic territory. In this direction, it is considered to understand the main quarrels on familiar agriculture and territory, being detached the sociocultural, economic and organizacional behavior of the communities Cruzeiro dos Martírios and Paulistas in the city of Catalão, State of Goiás. For the accomplishment the theoretical research on the thematic one was made. The empirical research was carried through in the communities: a) the community Cruzeiro dos Martírios, being applied a total of 15 scripts of interview with the agricultural producers, what it represented a sample of 20,27%; b) community Paulistas, being applied 11 scripts of interview with the producers, what it represented a sample of 32,35%. One became, still, comments in the carried through sociocultural events in the communities (terços, religious parties). It was verified, that the identity of the familiar agriculturists of the communities Cruzeiro dos Martírios and Paulistas is constituted from the material and incorporeal bases, being in dynamics, that is, in a process of historical construction. In both the communities the aging of the population caused for the migration of young for the city in search of study and the job and, also, for the fall in the fecundidade tax was observed. In these communities it is noticed masculinização of the population due the selective migration, that is, greater exit of young of the feminine sex. These factors can compromise the hereditary succession of the properties. The agriculturists launch hand of some strategies to multiply as the productive diversity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAgricultura familiarModernização da agriculturaIdentidade territorialComunidade Cruzeiro dos Martírios e Paulistas, Catalão (GO)Familiar agricultureModernization of agricultureTerritorial identityCommunity Cruzeiro dos Martírios and Paulistas, Catalão (GO)Agric famil; Moderniz-agricult; Id. territor; C. Cruz. dos Martírios e Paulistas-Catalão (GO)CNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAAgricultura familiar e territorialidade: as comunidades Cruzeiro dos Martírios e Paulistas no município de Catalão (GO)Familiar agriculture and territoriality: the communities Cruzeiro dos Martírios e Paulistas in the city of Catalão (GO)Dissertação