2017-01-202022-04-262022-04-262016-05-04RODRIGUES, D. E. Avaliação da suscetibilidade natural e do potencial à erosão laminar na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão do Boqueirão, município de Davinópolis (GO). 2016. 110 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/6774Over time, the human societies have developed and increased their capacity of spatially reorganize the elements of the environment that surrounds them. Thus, the human intervention has become one of the engaging agents of the landscape, along with the physical and biological processes. This means that human activities influence and accelerate the erosion processes. Specifically, laminar erosion is a form of manifestation of the hydric erosion that occurs silently, depleting the soil fertility, gradually, over time. For this reason, Bertoni and Lombardi Neto (2014) emphasize that this type of erosion is one of the most dangerous, especially in countries with tropical climates. From this, we aim to do a diagnosis of natural susceptibility and of laminar erosion potential in the basin of the Ribeirão of Boqueirão, in the municipality of Davinópolis (GO), in order to investigate how the current land use/ vegetal cover influence to increase, mitigate or neutralize the natural susceptibility to laminar erosion in this basin. The methodology was based predominantly on adapting of the proposal of Salomão (1999), which determined a correlation matrix between the slopes declivity and the soil erodibility, for generating cartographic document indicating the natural susceptibility to laminar erosion. When it was overlaid on the map of land use / vegetal cover, resulted in the current potential map to laminar erosion. In the basin of Ribeirão of Boqueirão, which in general has dissected topography, we observed a high percentage of areas with high natural susceptibility to laminar erosion, which imposes restrictions for agricultural activities. The areas with lower natural susceptibility to laminar erosion are near to the main watercourse, in the central part of this basin. With respect to land use / vegetal cover, overall, it was not verified adoption of conservation measures and/ or harmonization of human activities to natural limitations to laminar erosion. Thus, the class I, with high laminar erosion potential, was mapped in 37.72% of the watershed area and, in general, points to areas where the land use is incompatible with natural limitations. In the meantime, the class II (medium potential) appeared in 45.33% of the watershed area, in which case there is incompatibility between the land use and natural susceptibility, which can be solved with the use of conservation practices. In the rest of the watershed, 16.95%, there is class III (low potential). The data presented show the need for planning that seeks to conserve the soil of this watershed, which also is one of the largest basins, fully located in the municipality of Davinópolis (GO). One should highlight that the families of farmers, when exploring the lands of this watershed, ensure their socio-economic reproduction and contribute to the economic dynamics of the municipality of Davinópolis, which has the agricultural production as an important pillar.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDeclividade das encostasErodibilidade dos solosUso da Terra/cobertura vegetalErosão laminarSlopes declivitySoil erodibilityLand use/ vegetal coverLaminar erosionCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAAvaliação da suscetibilidade natural e do potencial à erosão laminar na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão do Boqueirão, município de Davinópolis (GO)Assessment of natural susceptibility and laminar erosion potential in the watershed of Ribeirão of Boqueirão, municipality of Davinópolis (GO)Dissertação