2016-07-262022-04-262022-04-262016-05-16SOUZA, C. M. Atributos da Governança Pública: mecanismos de atendimento da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos no município de Catalão (GO). 2016. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Organizacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/5740Research on governance in the public domain relates to the complexity of the discussions on the evolution of public administration and its reforms in recent decades. It captures the opening of the entire cycle of public policies, coordinated by the State, for the greater involvement of other actors. It adds political elements to the analysis of the field of public administration, overcoming the emphasis on managerial and financial aspects of the New Public Management and hierarchical aspects of bureaucracy. Public Governance is configured as a theory in construction, influenced by different conceptions of rationality - economic, sociological and political - causing an uncertain terrain without a single narrative full of different meanings. In this sense, requires theoretical and empirical research aimed delimitation and constitution. This work aims to contribute to this field from the survey attributes that make up the Public Governance and through empirical study on the evidence of these attributes to the development of the National Solid Waste Policy. Lack of management of municipal solid waste is among the environmental problems of Brazilian society, about 2,906 counties intended their waste to landfills. For the policy is actually implemented the participation of different levels of public administration with the business sector and other segments of society should be developed. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify the existing structure and describe how to present the attributes of public governance in the service of the National Solid Waste Policy in Catalão (GO). Among the attributes that you want to check are: formation of networks for co-production of public good (A1); pluricentric coordination with the State as enabler and facilitator (A2); argumentative deliberative democracy fomented by spaces and arenas to promote participation (A3); institutionalization of participatory decision-making arrangements (A4); and responsiveness monitored by mechanisms for transparency, accountability and social control (A5). For the research were collected primary and secondary data with representatives of organizations involved in the service of politics. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 6 representatives actors of government and the private sector. Secondary data were obtained through websites and documents drawn up in the regular dynamics of these organizations. These data were analyzed according to their content from the categorization technique (Bardin, 1977). Among the results were identified the following organizations involved in the management of municipal solid waste in Catalão: SEMMAC, third parties contracted to carry out the urban cleaning services, COOTRACAT, UFG / RC and COMDEMA. Based on the responsibility and resource sharing between them it was possible to verify that the existing structure cannot be considered a network and not an inter-set, being located between them, according to classifications proposed by Van Come and Walker (1979). In addition, it found that the government of Catalan, by fostering the creation of a governing board, was responsible for sharing responsibilities with other non-state actors, allowing a space to display the differences on the deliberations arising from environmental policies. On the institutionalization of arrangements, laws were lifted, contracts, agreements and plans that influence the management of municipal solid waste in Catalan in the 2001-2015 period and it was noticed that it has been continuously enhanced, which allows certain stability and balance existing arrangements. Moreover, it was considered the existence of mechanisms of transparency and accountability, as the Transparency Portal. This mechanism, along with the council, enables control to be performed by the company on the level of responsiveness that bureaucrats are having to meet the environmental policies in the municipality. Based on these results, it can be said that the care of the National Policy on Solid Waste in Catalan is permeated by the attributes of Public Governanceapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoGovernança públicaPolítica nacional de resíduos sólidosRedes públicasAtributos da governança públicaPublic governanceNational policy on solid wastePublic networksAttributes of public governanceADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA::PLANEJAMENTO EM CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIAAtributos da governança pública: mecanismos de atendimento da política nacional de resíduos sólidos no município de Catalão (GO)Attributes of the public governance: mechanisms of development of the national solid waste policy in city of the Catalão (GO)Dissertação