2017-05-022022-04-262022-04-262016-06-15FRANÇA, V. Escola especial Santa Clara de Catalão (1982 - 2000). 2016. 192 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/7229This work had its objective in understand how was the conception and] structuring of Santa Clara school of Catalão from 1982 to 2000, becoming pioneer at offering teaching to those with special needs in the country side of Goiás. During the research it has been tried the interlocution with various theorists from history of education as Nosella and Buffa(2009), Nascimento(2007), Sanfelice (2006 2007 2009), Magalhães (2004) and Saviani (2005) for dialoguing with history of scholar institutions referring to structural and organizational aspects. About methodological terms the research uses the current legislation in the period, historic sources composed by official documents and detached manuscripts conserved in the school archive containing information about the construction and structuring of the school and the formational, assistance and clinical proposal developed by the institution when it comes to special teaching. The pioneering of the institution evidence itself, firstly at its concept of entrepreneurship, organization and structuring in a decade in which educational politics still did themselves incipient in Goiás and in its southeast region as to attending to demands of special education. The Santa Clara School starts in Catalão a daring proposal of specialized teaching, with multidisciplinary actions (pedagogy, psychology, social takings) that set the singularities of the organization and its comprehensiveness. For the effect of characterizing and analyzing there have been set some variables which includes: the procedure of creation, the structuring of the organization and its institutional format; and the characteristics of multidisciplinary attendance anchored by a different educational project. the dynamics of mobilization of local society, composed by people, public, private entities and the non-governmental organization - Pestalozzi Society, the visibility and comprehensiveness of the institutional project, marked by the alterations, conflicts, contradiction, settlements and ruptures in the constitution of the school are aspects the enrich and allow a general analyses of the historical construction of this scholar institutions.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHistória das instituições escolaresEscola Santa Clara de CatalãoSociedade PestalozziEnsino especialHistory of institutionsSchool “Santa Clara”Pestalozzi societySpecial educationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEscola especial Santa Clara de Catalão (1982 - 2000)Santa Clara special school of Catalão (1982 - 2000)Dissertação