2020-09-102022-04-262020-09-102022-04-262020-09-03VAZ, L. F. Desenvolvimento de um aplicativo colaborativo para compartilhamento de preços de produtos de supermercados. 2020. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2020.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10644Over the years, the constant integration of mobile technologies between suppliers and customers has become a strong ally in the dissemination and sharing of prices quickly and safely. In this context, the present work has as objective, the elaboration of an app for sharing prices of supermarket products. The app was planned and implemented to run on the Android platform. For its preparation, a management and product development planning was initially carried out based on renowned reference models available in the literature. Subsequently, a set of technical tools in the field of computer programming, such as: Android Studio, Java, Jsoup, Zxing and Firebase, were widely used in the development of a functional prototype of the app. As main assumptions, an app was developed with a friendly interface, ease of use, good execution performance and that was able to perform treatments for systemic errors. As a main result, an app was obtained as close as possible to an information system to be put into production. Among the main characteristics obtained from the development of the app, the possibility of reading the Nota Fiscal do Consumidor Eletrônica (NFC-e) through the Quick Response Code (QR Code) and the export of products, prices and other relevant information to the database stands out in order to allow the real-time sharing of information from each NFC-e sent. Additionally, the ability to search for specific products was implemented through key terms to be inserted in a search screen and the option to manage notes sent, with the possibility of verifying monthly expenses for the current year in list and graph format. It is concluded that the tools studied and used in the conception of the app are capable of meeting the established objective and a functional prototype was conceived.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilAplicativoSupermercadosAndroidAppSmartphoneSupermarketsNFC-eENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO::ENGENHARIA DO PRODUTODesenvolvimento de um aplicativo colaborativo para compartilhamento de preços de produtos de supermercadosDevelopment of a collaborative application for sharing prices of supermarket productsDissertação