2019-02-132022-04-262022-04-262018-12-06FONSECA, Cleider Antonio da. Negros nos grupos escolares em Catalão/Go (1923 – 1971). 2018. 195 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9285This research aimed to investigate the presence of blacks in primary education in school groups, taking as reference the first five institutions created in Catalão in the twentieth century, from 1923 to 1971. Contextualized the theme of Blacks in Education, considering the location of these subjects in a given time and space, the research was conducted by the question: were there blacks in the primary education of the School Groups in Catalão? Which family groups did they belong to? It is a documentary research, with a bibliographical contribution, whose historical aspects were searched by sampling in three main sources: the registrations of enrollments of the school groups, the statistics of black schooling, extracted from IBGE, the legal basis of the legislation at the time, and by a sampling of the Reports of the Presidents of the Province and the emphasis of the Annals of the 8th CBE in Goiânia (1942). The bibliographical references included research on black people and education, which enabled the confrontation of the sources used in the discussion of the invisibility produced in the official documents, confronted by a random sample of the existence of black family groups in Catalão/GO. Initially we contextualize the existence and condition of black people in Brazilian society, problematizing the aspects of its insertion in the Primary Education in Goiás and Southeast Goiás, with emphasis in the municipality of Catalão. We delimit the black people and education focus in the republican legislation of implantation of school groups for the primary education. We show the official enrollment data of the school groups, the IBGE statistics in the period, in which invisibility had been produced as a strategy adopted in the various registries. The historical aspects of education in Goiás were based on Bretas (1991) and Barra (2011). The authors discuss black people’s invisibility in education and question the inferiority complex, among other aspects. The contrast of the official discourses on the aims and objectives of education in the period, the silencing of the existence of black people in the society of Goiás, points to the invisibility produced and sustained in the records produced in the School Groups. The analysis guided by the category of invisibility and based on studies on black people and education, indicate as research results the current discussion in order to problematize and broaden the look on historical and social issues that reinforced the permanence of black people in the margins of actions of government in the period; the confrontation of the existence of the black people, ascertained by the location of family groups in the urban cartography of the School Groups, attest that the black presence in an expression of existence, affirmation and resistance. Applied to invisibility, we questioned that while through the way of popular culture, folklore and religiosity, the black person became present, even being identified students enrolled in primary education of the School Groups, prevailed the silence and not information about their condition and existence, whose strategy was replicated in the sources and official documents analyzed, confirming the strategy of invisibility, confronted by this studyapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoNegros e educaçãoNegros em CatalãoGrupos escolaresInvisibilidadeBlack people and educationBlack people in CatalãoSchool groupsInvisibilityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAONegros nos grupos escolares em Catalão/Go (1923 – 1971)Blacks of school groups at Catalão/Go (1923 – 1971)Dissertação