2017-03-282022-04-262022-04-262015-06-12ALVES, S. A. Geografia e gênero: a ação das mulheres na luta pela moradia camponesa na região Estrada de Ferro em Goiás.. 2015. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/7029In the last decades in the Brazilian rural areas, the agrobusiness imposed itself making stronger the large properties (estates), the transnational companies and intensifying the use of agrotoxics and the production of monoculture for exportation, instead of producing health food via the peasant agriculture. This model threats the peasants, especially the women that need to work inside and outside their houses because their families need care and food - while the men are used to search for income just outside. The low incomes that the peasant agriculture is getting during the last decades make impossible to the families to invest in technologies and habitation towards better life conditions. The federal government published, in 2009, the Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR) - Rural Habitation National Program – intending to reduce the social deficit in rural habitations, but before this, in 2008, the Movimento Camponês Popular (MCP) – Popular Peasant Movement – had already accomplished a important project of rural habitation in the state of Goiás – Brazil, using other program that was, at first, oriented to urban areas. This research intends to comprehend the transformations that had occurred in the lives of the peasant women during the processes of overcoming the frontiers of the private spaces of their houses and gaining class consciousness since the moment the women started to engage in political participation and political organization in the Movimento Camponês Popular – Popular Peasant Movement – to struggle for a peasant habitation. The engagement of the women in the social movement achieved - more than the conquest of the habitation - a change in their social behavior, because the recognition of the active role of women as actors of social transformation is historically denied and this denial tends to exclude them towards a social and political invisibility. The political participation of the women in the social movement enable the visibility of their demands, defeating their isolation by going beyond the private spaces of their lives when they occupy the public spaces of the meetings, the struggles and the political decisions reunions of a social movement.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMoradia camponesaGeografia e gêneroMulheres camponesasEspaço privado e espaço públicoMovimentos sociaisPeasant habitationGeography and genderPeasant womenPrivate space and public spaceSocial movementsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAGeografia e gênero: a ação das mulheres na luta pela moradia camponesa na região Estrada de Ferro em Goiás.Geography and gender: the action of women in the fight for the peasants housing in the region Iron Road in GoiasDissertação