2014-10-232022-04-262022-04-262014-01-20JERONIMO, Gabriela Guimarães. As grimpas lexicais e seus diamantes linguísticos: o vocabulário do garimpo de diamantes no município de Três Ranchos-Goiás (1944-1981). 2014. 136 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3451This study investigated the lexicon used in mining, having as research field the city of Três Ranchos – Goiás, where the activity had its peak between 1944 and 1981. Regarding the subjects of our research, thirteen people where interviewed, from which ten are former miners, one a miner‘s wife, a provider and a dweller who lived directly with miners in their childhood, all of them aging about sixty-eight years old, except the latter, who is forty-eight. The choice for the mining vocabulary comes from the fact that the mining practice served as a great contribution for the process of formation of the city early in the twentieth century, because the miners were concentrated nearby Parnaíba River that crossed the city. Handcrafted mining is the activity from which most of the dwellers used to take their livelihood, which resulted in the settlement of the town, mainly after the intersection of the railroad, because after it the miners came even from the states of Mato Grosso and Bahia. Regarding the corpus, it was constituted through the lexical items which selection was performed from the transcribed interviews and that, after the consultation in dictionaries, like Houaiss and Villar (2009), Bluteau (1712-1728), Carvalo (1916) and Nascentes (1966), we made sure of the specificity of the vocabulary. At last, we made the analysis of these items based on the discussion about the relation between lexicon and culture, as well as those which regard the aspects concerning the motivation of the linguistic sign. Regarding the analysis method and the semantic description of the lexical units we used the theory of the lexical fields developed by Eugenio Coseriu (1977) and Horst Geckeler (1976). Thus, we believe that we contributed both for the studies carried in the Lexicology area, and for the historiography of the mentioned city.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCampos lexicaisGarimpo de diamantesLéxicoCulturaLexical fieldsDiamond miningLexiconCultureLINGUISTICA::LINGUISTICA HISTORICAAs grimpas lexicais e seus diamantes linguísticos: o vocabulário do garimpo de diamantes no município de Três Ranchos-Goiás (1944-1981)The lexical grimpas and their linguistic diamonds: the vocabulary of diamonds in the municipality of Três Ranchos-Goiás (1944-1981)Dissertação