2019-06-182022-04-262022-04-262019-04-26MENDONÇA, G. R. S. A elaboração e construção de material pedagógico como metodologia do processo ensino aprendizagem de frações e produtos notáveis. 2019. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2019.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9717This research deals with the teaching of fractions and notable products, through an applied methodology, using the elaboration and construction of concrete material, such as disks, fractional rulers and squares of varying sizes. The target audience was the students selected, through an Initial Questionnaire, from a class of the First Year of High School of a Public School in the city of Itumbiara-GO, in view of the difficulties presented by them in carrying out activity and / or tasks that need these previous contents. From the selection, a group of students who presented greater difficulties in these contents were chosen to participate in the research in the mathematics laboratory, where these students had the opportunity to participate in the workshops, where the concrete materials were constructed, thus allowing the visualization of the concepts theoretical and practical related to the subject, including theory, definitions and rules. Through qualitative approaches, the results obtained were satisfactory, which allowed us to observe a significant improvement in students final performance.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAprendizagemFraçãoMaterial pedagógicoMetodologiaLearningFractionPedagogical materialMethodologyCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICAA elaboração e construção de material pedagógico como metodologia do processo ensino aprendizagem de frações e produtos notáveisThe elaboration and construction of pedagogical material as methodology of the process teaching learning of fractions and notable productsDissertação