2021-09-162022-04-262021-09-162022-04-262021-02-25PEREIRA, M. A. Diálogos neoliberais: o discurso coaching financeiro em Meu nome é Bettina. 2021. 93 f. Dissertação (Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2021.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/11636The socio-historical result of neoliberal politics in Brazil allows for the appearance of varied phenomena ranging from physical healing in a few days, a perfect body in a few weeks or, as in the case of financial coaching, having an enviable purchasing power and itis in relation to these events that are utteranced by multiple semioses (verbal, vocal, visual) convey and, sometimes, dialogue with fields of academic-professional activities in a polemical way, seeking to convince their interlocutor that it is science, however, without foundations that demonstrate their scientificity . These discourses that present themselves as science, not being science, reach the informal market that is oriented according to the capitalist system: in Brazil, institutes with international ties present proposals for coachees to become coaches in a few days. Financial coaching appears in this scenario, which can bebroadly characterized by a discourse of minimum investment with certain profit to reach the largest possible audience, being, above all, a phenomenon based on liberalism that findsthe conditions of achievement in hypermodernity. It is in relation to this event that multiple utterances arising from the financial coaching discourse are constituted by discourses produced by capitalism such as the neoliberal discourse, the selfhelp discourse and the discourse of automation of science. Given this, especially from the philosophical foundations about the language of Bakhtin and the Russian Circle, it is proposed to analyze the financial coaching discourse, as well as their dialogues, in Empiricus' publicized video "Meu nome é Bettina", published in March 2019 on Empiricus' YouTube channel and viralized on social networks. The results obtained indicate that the financial coaching discourse is based on the neoliberal and self-help discourses to promote itself as an empirical truth.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEnunciadoDiálogoDiscurso coaching financeiroAutoajudaCiênciaUtteranceDialogueFinancial coaching speechSelf helpScienceNeoliberalismLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTESDiálogos neoliberais: o discurso coaching financeiro em Meu nome é BettinaNeoliberal dialogues: the financial coaching discourse in Meu nome é BettinaDissertação