2021-10-072022-04-262021-10-072022-04-262021-02-25SANTIAGO, A. M. Experiências vividas em um espaço de (não) conversação em inglês com aprendizes do sexto e sétimo ano em uma escola pública de Catalão – GO. 2021. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2021.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/11682In this narrative inquiry (CLANDININ; CONNELLY, 2015) I sought to understand the experiences lived in a space of (non)conversation in English language entitled Let's Talk, created by me, with sixth and seventh grade students of a public school in Catalão-GO. I had as specific research goals to analyze the conversation space with a focus on how the participants, Jessica and Nathan, narrated their experiences in Let's Talk, to narrate my experiences in Let's Talk as a teacher of the space, and to problematize, through the stories of the lived experiences my anxiety in leading the conversation space and Jessica and Nathan's stories in using the conversation space as a place to live their English learning stories, of how we can build learning spaces for oral English language proficiency. I used, to direct the research, the following questions: what stories did I experience as a teacher in the conversation space at school? What was the role of the school talk space in the participants' learning? How did the conversation space transform into a safe place for me and the participants? I used the field texts of the meetings in the conversation space, field notes of the conversations with participants, audio recordings of the conversation meetings, text conversations via WhatsApp, and video conversations via cell phone and computer. I theoretically based myself on Leffa (2012) and Paiva (2018) to discuss foreign language teaching in Brazil. On method and post-method, I relied on Kumaravadivelu (2002) and on discussions about secret, sacred, and façade stories, I used the concepts proposed by Clandinin and Connelly (1995). As research results, to understand that the myth of the "native speaker" of English is present in notions of learning English in public school, to realize the transformation of a conversational space into a safe place (CLANDININ; CONNELLY, 1995) where the participants and I could live secret stories of teaching and learning in conversations about what it is to know and learn English in public school.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEspaço de conversaçãoLugares segurosHistórias secretasPesquisa narrativaConversation spaceSafe spacesSecret storiesNarrative inquiryLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTESExperiências vividas em um espaço de (não) conversação em inglês com aprendizes do sexto e sétimo ano em uma escola pública de Catalão – GOExperiences lived in a space of (non)conversation in English with sixth and seventh grade learners in a public school in Catalão - GODissertação