2014-11-272022-04-262022-04-262013-07-31PIMENTA, Ana Paula Corrêa. A representação do léxico rural em Ermos e gerais de Bernardo Élis. 2013. 206 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/3699This research studies the lexicon of rural work Ermos e Gerais Bernardo Élis, a storybook regionalist published in 1944 by the Exchange Publications "Hugo de Carvalho Ramos". The aim of this study is to prepare a glossary with an arrangement of items sufficiently comprehensive as regards the representation of the lexicon of rural work in question. As such, there is an analysis of lexis present in each tale through consultations Dicionário Aurélio da Língua Portuguesa (2010) and Dicionário do Brasil Central – subsídios à Filologia of Bariani Ortêncio (2009) and also by the context of utterance, checking which lexical units are configured as rural. Apply appropriately tales Bernardo Élis as corpus analysis because the lexical items representing the rural dialect are recurrent, since the author tried to fix on the literary the physical and human geography of their home state - Goiás, demonstrating the historical, political, socio-cultural and especially linguistic. After analyzing the data it was found a significant number of rural lexis, which shows that the lexical repertoire of the corpus is seated in the interests of research. The results of this study emphasize the importance of the lexicon in the history and culture of a people, and especially the importance of linguistic variety in rural history of the Portuguese language in Goiás.application/pdfAcesso AbertoLínguaCulturaLéxico ruralErmos e geraisBernardo ÉlisLanguageCultureLexicon countrysideErmos e geraisBernardo ÉlisLINGUISTICA::SOCIOLINGUISTICA E DIALETOLOGIAA representação do léxico rural em Ermos e gerais de Bernardo ÉlisThe representation of the rural lexicon in the Ermos e gerais fo Bernardo ElisDissertação