2015-11-132022-04-262022-04-262015-04-10TIAGO, H. N. “Poder por amor ao poder”: uma análise discursiva das relações de poder em 1984, de George Orwell. 2015. 145 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4901The Work 1984 by George Orwell portrays a society that the state imposed it on the population of totalitarian form, both for control of the actions of individuals and the creation of many scattered control devices and surveillance at various points of the city, is in workspaces or in domestic and public spaces. In this authoritarian regime, the State oppresses and torture individuals, causing resistance of some and adhesion others. Such issues will be observed in the society portrayed in the romance, so we can discuss how power compose and challenges the subject, influencing your production pathways controlled by such systems of power. In this sense supported by analysis of foucaultina perspective of discourse, we set out to reflect on the constitution of the subject and the power relations that emerge from the 1984, through standard-setting instruments that "promote" the docile the subject submitted to totalitarian society , narrated in the George Orwell novel. Starting from this objective, we will use Michel Foucault's studies present in the books A Arqueologia do saber (2007), Vigiar e Punir: nascimento da prisão (1999), Microfísica do Poder (1986), among others, in which the discussion on the topic power is highlighted. We will take the concept of statement as the romance sequences analysis procedure to observe the following questions: how power is exercised in the novel? What are the possibilities of resistance to totalitarian power deployed in the novel? Therefore, the practices and discursive processes that promote social control and the constitution of the subject will be observed. Therefore this study aims to analyze how is (in) the (s) subject (s) in the work of Orwell, and how power is exercised, ruling and taming offenders. The analyzes indicates that in the first instance, there is an exclusionary effect of the rebel guy, who happens to be characterized as a rebel / resistant. In a second moment, looks at how the subject "rebel", to be exposed to disciplinary practices, exercised in prison, becomes the party statutes, changing the position occupied at the beginning of the narrative. Thus, from the analysis of discursive sequences, cut and analyzed in our research object, we see that there is the emergence of speeches aimed at normalization of subject, for only then be able to be (re) inserted within the fictional society of Orwell. Thus, the statements analyzed point for relations of power and disciplinary practices that seek to standardize and regulate the subject transgressor.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAnálise do discursoFoucaultPoderGeorge Orwell1984Discourse analysisFoucaultPowerLINGUISTICA::FISIOLOGIA DA LINGUAGEM“Poder por amor ao poder”: uma análise discursiva das relações de poder em 1984, de George OrwellDissertação