2015-04-242022-04-262022-04-262015-02-10SILVA, P. M. M. Interfaces entre a Provinha Brasil e as práticas de alfabetização da rede municipal de ensino em Catalão-GO. 2015. 178 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4461The study aimed to understand whether the results obtained in Provinha Brasil (PB) and the reading and writing skills charged for it, influence and lead to recast the planning of mother language classes, as well, investigate the assessment that teachers do of the whole exam. The research was conducted in five municipal schools of Catalão, southeast of Goiás, through semi-structured with 9 literacy teachers on 2º year of elementary school interviews. The data revealed some contradictions in the testimonies collected, mainly regarding to the influences that the exam exerts on teacher's planning. According to the testimonies this planning does not suffer interference of the results of PB, not being realized any study in the school context for this purpose. However, the teachers said they add, in their planning, activities related to descriptors that students had simulated and had difficulties in the days before the exam. Were also deployed in public schools a new curriculum and Collective Pedagogical Work Hours - HTPC, as a form of regulation of the teaching practice. Such innovations were motivated by the entry of the new school board of education and influenced by evaluation results as the PB. Teachers emphasized as negative aspects of PB the fact that it is applied in a single moment, structural and content issues, complexity of the test at the beginning than at the end of the year, reading comprehension questions that are not part of student’s universe and the fact that it does not evaluate written and oral skills. Also revealed that when choosing the strategies and content learned in the classroom, evaluating and planning, are considered the results of several evaluations which complement the PB’s results. Teachers’ conclusion is that Provinha Brasil, only, is an insufficient tool to assess the level of literacy of students, it only assesses reading and presents problems in the structure and content, a reformulation innovations is necessary to suit the necessary conditions for it to really assess the student's literacy level. In this sense the research is linked to the results earlier presented in other parts of Brazil. Finally, the research has provided us realize that literacy is a complex and ongoing process, so its assessment should be performed through different instruments that serve as parameters for the teachers to plan their teaching practice. This practice, which should not be governed only by assessments’s results, but of a curriculum that completes the full extent of the complex literacy’s process.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAlfabetizaçãoProvinha BrasilPrática docenteLiteracyProvinha BrasilTeaching practiceCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOInterfaces entre a Provinha Brasil e as práticas de alfabetização da rede municipal de ensino em Catalão-GOInterfaces between Provinha Brasil and literacy practices of municipal schools in Catalão-GODissertação