2017-09-262022-04-262022-04-262017-08-29ALMEIDA, M. H. G. História, teatro e ensino de história: possibilidades metodológicas. 2017. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/7801This study uses theatrical methods as a way to teach History in the classroom. The aim is to address theatrical methods allowing to articulate between the present and past tenses, so that the students can be the main figure of their own learning. The reason for this study was the use of theatrical methods in the classroom and the desire to report the constant work of teachers using theatrical methods in the classrooms with teenagers in elementary school. However, at the same time that it reflects a real experience, discussing concepts of Historical consciousness, memories and the theatrical methodology itself, this study elaborates a pedagogic proposal with the theatrical methodology in history classes trying to relate and reflect about the roll of History and the meaning of the use of theatrical methods in the process of knowledge construction, articulating the memories of teachers and students. I defend that using theatrical methods it is possible to accomplish interdisciplinary work between two or more subjects, which implies a direct intervention in school dynamics, where it becomes a reality. Thus, this study ponders about History teaching, pointing out challenges and possibilities that the use of theatrical methods as teaching and learning methodology provides, defending its use along with my own experience as inspiration to other teaching professionals. I believe that a studies as this one are an effective commitment to History teaching and its subjects, for its results should assist and extend the teachers formation, showing new ways to teach, which, in my point of view, can help to enforce professional and affection ties between teachers and students.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHistóriaTeatroEnsino de históriaPossibilidades metodológicas historyTheaterHistory teachingMethodological possibilitiesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAHistória, teatro e ensino de história: possibilidades metodológicasHistory, theater and history teaching: methodological possibilitiesDissertação