2015-12-082022-04-262022-04-262015-03-02ASSIS, A. R. S. Contribuições do ensino de geografia e de biologia à educação ambiental no Colégio Estadual Dr. Vasco dos Reis Gonçalves em Urutaí (GO). 2015. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2015.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/5024This research comes from the need to seek new ways to understand how Environmental Education at school has been worked and the contribution of Geography and Biology teaching, subjects that offer knowledge related to environmental issues due to the reflection of social relevance to human survival, requiring practical pedagogical actions. Colégio Estadual Dr. Vasco dos Reis Gonçalves, in Urutaí (GO), was taken as evidence base for this research, because it is the only public high school in the city. To understand the contribution of Geography and Biology Teaching for the Environmental Education, it is discussed about: the principles of environmental education; Geography and Biology Teaching and the ways the research took in Colégio Estadual Dr. Vasco dos Reis Gonçalves. It was analysed: Documents from IBGE (2013); Law 9.795/1999; Federal Law 6.938/81; Article 225 of the 1988 Brazilian Constitution; Law 7.797/89; The School Pedagogical Political Project; data found in the SIAP to check the contents worked in 3rd year of high school in the subjects of Geography and Biology. It was applied: 32 questionnaires, 26 focus group interviews and photographic records made between 2013 and 2014. This thesis is organized into three sections, besides the introduction and the final considerations that seek for contemplating the proposed aims to pursue the integration of the environmental issues to the social problems within the schools. Geography and Biology teaching allows students to acquire knowledge about environmental education, understanding which is essential to develop citizens with a sense of responsibility and prepared to change the environmental reality around you. In order to live better there must be environmental awareness transmitted and understood by students and society, a matter of survival to the future generations.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação ambientalEnsino de geografiaEnsino de biologiaEnvironmental educationGeography teachingBiology teachingCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAContribuições do ensino de geografia e de biologia à educação ambiental no Colégio Estadual Dr. Vasco dos Reis Gonçalves em Urutaí (GO)Contributions of geography teaching biology and environmental education in the State School Dr. Vasco Gonçalves dos Reis in Urutaí (GO)Dissertação