2018-04-062022-04-262022-04-262018-03-22OLIVEIRA, Rafael Vasconcelos de. Escola Paroquial “João XXIII” de Urutaí-GO (1960-2001). 2018. 239 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/8309This research proposes to analyze the internal organization of the "John XXIII" Parish School in Urutaí - Goiás during the period of its existence that includes the years from 1960 to 2001, considering that it is a school founded by lay Catholics together with leaders of the Catholic Church and State Secretary of Education of Goiás. In order to do so, it was sought to know all its physical, operational, pedagogical and social structure from an analysis in its documentary and photographic collection, recognizing the complexity of a Catholic school institution with didacticpedagogical ideals outside the standards of liberal pedagogy. Thus, its particularities as to its functioning refer to the understanding that the History of Education, when dealing with the study of school institutions, opens space to trigger the materiality, the senses, relations and contradictions that surround its existence, through different sources. Regarding the sources used in its methodological course, it can be said that several instruments of data collection were used: written documents, written memoirs, school and parish archive records books, school accountability books, photographs of personal collections, reports and single manuscripts kept in archives. It is important to note that all this documentary collection of the institution itself had a theoretical contribution from authors who deal with the History of Education in all its dimensions, understanding that the theoretical foundation of research on school institutions should be concerned with the nexus epistemological relations between education, educational institution and history of education, so that intelligibility can be imposed to educational processes and facts. Among the authors cited include Abioye (2010), Boto (1996), sheep (2004), Dallabrida (2001), Do Son (2004), Ignatius Son (2004), Julia (2004), Magellan (2004), Walnut (2011), Nosella and Buffa (2013), and Parker (2010), Stein (2013) . In particular this confluence between the documentary as close and the theoretical framework of research that the parochial school "John XXIII" in your period of operation caused the decline of the index of illiteracy in the municipality. The action of the local church, in a way, contributed to the expansion of education in the municipality, on the context of the educational partner studied period where the number of primary public schools was not enough to meet the demand, the same way you don't It was across the country. The religious formation was among the main objectives to be achieved by the school analyzed, given its intimate relationship with the diocese of Ipameri / GO and the local church and because this type of formation was a characteristic of parochial schools, however, its pedagogical work was based on emancipatory ideals, although it had to plan this work under the curricular guidelines of the current education system, which in turn followed the educational pattern of the country during its existence.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCultura escolarEscola ParoquialIgreja católica e educaçãoInstituição escolarSchool cultureParish schoolCatholic church and educationSchool institutionCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEscola Paroquial “João XXIII” de Urutaí-GO (1960-2001)"John XXIII" Parish School in Urutaí – GO (1960-2001)Dissertação