2015-01-302022-04-262022-04-262014-11-19SILVA, Renato Rodrigues. Razão áurea: como motivação ao estudo de conteúdos matemáticos. 2014. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2014.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/4027This work goal to show a possible relationship between the Golden Ratio with nature, animals, architecture, music and also as a motivation to study mathematics content, such as: ratio, proportion and arithmetic average, making the teaching learning more enjoyable. The realization of it proceeded from the literature and field research. The literature describes the history of the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci ratio with the Golden Ratio. The Fibonacci sequence was known for the problem of pairs of rabbits (coniculorum Paia) that is found in the book Liber Abacci (Liber Abaci). Also highlights the relationship between the golden ratio and the nature, proposing that it can be widely used in daily life of the student, promoting a differentiated learning. The field research was the application of the proposed activities presented throughout the study in a rural school of the Federal District, with the purpose to promote the recognition that it is possible to understand the relationship between math and everyday living. Initially the diagnosis 1 (ATTACHMENT A), containing socio-cultural issues and also the diagnosis 2 (ATTACHMENT B) containing specific questions of reason, proportion, arithmetic mean and golden ratio was applied. After applying the diagnosis twelve o'clock classes were taught using contextualized and interdisciplinary methodologies where activities (ATTACHMENT C, D, E, F) were applied seeking to respond to the objectives of this study. In closing the interventions took place applying the same initial diagnosis in order to determine whether interventions have provided new results. In analyzing the results of the second application of diagnosis was realized a significant increase in students' understanding about the content worked. The results show that when there is an understanding of the relationship between mathematics learning and everyday life, students can define new knowledge and relate school learning and their daily lives, which facilitates learning.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNúmero de ouroRazão áureaSequência de fibonacciNumber of goldGolden ratioFibonacci sequenceCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICARazão áurea: como motivação ao estudo de conteúdos matemáticosGolden ratio as a motivation to study mathematics contentDissertação