2016-11-082022-04-262022-04-262016-09-27VIEIRA, Wanderley de Souza. O ensino da modelagem em diálogo com o esporte: uma proposta de intervenção por meio da modelagem matemática. 2016. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2016.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/6458The project "The Teaching of Mathematics in Dialogue with Sports: a proposal of intervention by means of mathematical modeling" was developed with the goal of investigating the following question: which are the effects of Mathematical Modeling as applied in Geometry, within the context of a teaching youth and adults in a public school setting in the Federal District? Especially the geometry as found within the environment of some sports practiced in the Olympic Games of 2016, hosted by Brazil. The theoretical framework was provided by the work of Bassanezi (2011), Biembengut e Hein (2009), Barbosa (2001), Fonseca (2007), Burak (1992), among others. The method of bibliographical research, connected with the enquiry through the use of diagnostic questionnaires; the development of activities connected with the area of perimeter plan regions and the building of environmental mockups of certain Olympic sports; the presentation of the work done by students of the school and evaluative tests, are some the resources used to answer the guiding question of this project. We bring some thoughts about the Education of Young People and Adults in Brazil and the Federal District, as well as the lifting of some conceptions of mathematical modeling, we present the projects developed by the students and described the methodological and forwards the steps taken for completion of the activity. This dissertation has shown us that the work of a teacher is the result of a constant and daily leaning process, and in order to attain good results it is necessary, at all times, to seize various teaching techniques, being the Mathematical Modeling one of them. The results indicate that, despite of the difficulties in the research execution, the students developed a better grasp of geometry concepts, leading to the conclusion about the importance of adding Modeling as a teaching strategy to assist the student of EJA in the acquisition of mathematical content and in the development of a critical and reflective personalityapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoModelagem matemáticaGeometriaEsporteEJAMathematical modelingGeometrySportEducationCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICAO ensino da modelagem em diálogo com o esporte: uma proposta de intervenção por meio da modelagem matemáticaThe teaching of mathematics in dialogue with sports: a proposal of intervention by means of mathematical modelingDissertação