2017-10-232022-04-262022-04-262017-07-11MESQUITA, R. S. A compreensão de estudantes da educação de jovens e adultos - EJA sobre as questões raciais no Brasil. 2017. 112 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2017.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/7902This study aims to identify and analyze the understanding of the students of the EJA on the issues of racial quota and the teaching of history. For this, a dialogue was sought with the academic production that discusses the EJA issue in Brazil, as well as the contributions of the didactics of history and the concept of historical consciousness of Rüsen, in another moment it was realized a reading on how the Brazilian historiography works with the history of the slavery in the country until the Law Aurea and with the black movements of the post liberation. In this study, students from the 4th CEJA-Catalão-Goiás period were involved, involving 24 students during the year 2016. As a working methodology it was used the Investigative Thematic Unit in the perspective of Historical Education. Thus, a questionnaire was used with questions (closed and open) as well as interviews and narratives of the students in the classroom. From the answers obtained was elaborated the categorization of the previous concepts, soon after were held workshops classes, working with various pedagogical procedures to help students about the problems of work, at the closing of the workshops classes was taken questionnaire to analyze the results of the workshops classes and we perceive change in the conception of the students as the racial quotas. This work has importance in two crucial aspects: first it contributes to studies in the EJA area, because still research on this modality of teaching is scarce compared to other phases of teaching; the second point it enriches teaching learning in the area of history and ends up contributing to the historians with a new methodology and pedagogical practice in the classes of history, besides treating a current theme and much discussed in society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de históriaCotas raciaisAula oficinaHistory teachingRacial quotasWorkshop classCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAA compreensão de estudantes da educação de jovens e adultos - EJA sobre as questões raciais no BrasilThe understanding of students of the education of young and adults - EJA on the racial issues in BrazilDissertação