2018-04-162022-04-262022-04-262017-04-06DAMIÃO, Adriana Silva. A concepção de formação continuada das professoras de creches de um município do sudeste goiano: uma avaliação a partir da teoria histórico-cultural. 2017. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Educação, Catalão, 2017.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/8340The present dissertation is the result of a study that sought to analyze the conception of day care teachers about their continuing education in the last ten years and its impact on the pedagogical work with children. This research was born of the researcher's concerns, as a teacher and student of this stage of education. Based on an understanding that despite the validity of the relevant legislation for more than two decades, there are still many gaps to be filled, so that quality care is effective, as a right of children and families. Thus, this research has the general objective of analyzing the conception of continuing education of nursery teachers in a municipality in Southeast Goiania. The hypothesis that guides this study, that the continuing education of the teachers of the Child Education, specifically those of day care, is not seen as primordial for the municipal public policies. This fact is related to a national view about the pedagogical work developed with this age group, which is still based on care, despite the discussions about the articulation care and teaching have been inserted in the academic field for some time. It is a qualitative research, which has as references elements of the Historical-Cultural Theory. The research participants are nine effective teachers, pedagogues, who work in two older municipal nurseries, in the year of foundation, in nursery and nursery groups, with a minimum of five years of experience. The instrument used for data collection was the semi-structured interview and the analysis, following the assumptions contained in the Historical-Cultural Theory and Content Analysis. The results are related to the conception that the teachers have about continuing education, revealing the qualification process experienced by them in the last ten years and the challenges they identify in the implementation of a training proposal in service. We found evidence in the teachers' statements about the implications of continuing education and the pedagogical work offered to children in day care, pedagogical planning and the devaluation of the teacher of Early Childhood Education. We hope with the research, to add new knowledge, to what has already been produced on continuing education for daycare teachers in the studied municipality.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCrecheFormação continuadaProfessoresTeoria histórico-culturalNurseryContinuing educationTeachersHistorical-cultural theoryCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA concepção de formação continuada das professoras de creches de um município do sudeste goiano: uma avaliação a partir da teoria histórico-culturalDissertação