2018-11-292022-04-262022-04-262018-09-28GONÇALVES FILHO, J. C. C. Análise numérica de métodos empíricos do estudo da condutividade hidráulica. 2018. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Modelagem e Otimização) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2018.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/9106In the context of Agronomic and Environmental Sciences, the hydraulic conductivity K (µ) as a function of the humidity (µ) and granulometry, is especially important for the study and solution of practical problems related to irrigation, drainage , leaching of nutrients and pollutants, slope stability, problems related to soil compaction in general. Studies will be carried out that stipulate the hydraulic conductivity K (µ) from the particle size distribution and moisture content for certain types of soil, with the particle diameter as the main parameter to obtain the same. One of the advantages in this methodology is the reduction of laboratorial costs and the reduced time when compared to tests to obtain these physical indexes. The state of the art in empirical validation has produced numerical models for simulation description of physical indices. Using experimental methodologies, we will use these models for the validation and subsequent analysis of results for soils obtained at UFCat. The first part of the work will be devoted to the study of statistical models, which relate the behavior of the hydraulic coef cient with the soil granulometry. For this part of the work, the main referencewill be the article (SALARASHAYERI; SIOSEMARDE, 2012). The models that will be used in this dissertation were obtained in (SALARASHAYERI; SIOSEMARDE, 2012), where the authors, through 25 samples of sandy soil extracted characteristics of the hydraulic conductivity. In the present case, laboratory tests have shown that the characteristic of the analyzed soil approaches a clayey behavior see (GONçALVES-FILHO et al., 2017b), (GONçALVES-FILHO et al., 2017a). To overcome this problem we will use the graphs generated from experimental analyzes made by means of humidity sensors, to calibrate statistical models. In the second part of the work, a study will be done, through models that relate the hydraulic coef cient to the soil moisture. For this part the reference (GENUCHTEN, 1980) will be used. In (GENUCHTEN, 1980), analytical models describing the relationship between hydraulic coefIcient, moisture and piezometric level were obtained. The theoretical models will be validated by comparing the theoretical curves and the experimental data acquired through sensors. As a complementary part of the work, numerical simulations will be done to analyze the behavior of the hydraulic coefIcient, with the different models approached.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCoeficiente hidráulicoGranulometriaSolosUmidadeHydraulic coefficientGranulometrySoilsMoistureCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICAAnálise numérica de métodos empíricos do estudo da condutividade hidráulicaNumerical analysis of empirical methods of the hydraulic conductivity studyDissertação