2020-09-112022-04-262020-09-112022-04-262020-05-13CARDOSO, C. Conteúdos avaliados nos anos inicial e final do ciclo de alfabetização. 2020. 199 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Catalão, 2020.http://repositorio.ufcat.edu.br/tede/handle/tede/10658The present study aimed at understanding the contents related to literacy and writing requested in written assessments applied to the students in the first year and in the last year of the literacy process, questioning if such contents are in agreement with the knowledge and skills expected in the journals of unit 01 PNAIC: Curriculum in literacy: concepts and principles (year 01), and Inclusive Curriculum: the right to learn how to read and to write (year 03). Such objective has led to the construction of a qualitative research, for which the document analyses and semi-structured researches were the procedures used. Two schools, which took part in the research, were chosen, one of them showed the highest IDEB rate and the other had the lowest rate in the city. A School and B School had the grades 7,4 and 5,9 respectively. Four teachers took part in the research, they gave the tests applied to their students of first and third grades of Primary School (Ensino Fundamental), making up four annual tests. The theoretical framework is based on researchers of literacy studies, assessment and curriculum, such as Goulart (2003), Carvalho (2005), Rojo (2009), Soares (2012, 2016), Luckesi (2011), Sacristán (2000, 2013) among others; besides official guidelines for the literacy cycle, Pro-writing programs (2008), PNAIC (2012) and BNCC (2017). The results have shown that not only in the first year but also in the third, there is a predominance of contents related to literacy, emphasizing content memorization by the students, not considering the applications and functions of the language in real situations of communication, reading as codification and decoding, and text production focused in writing sentences. Besides that, the interviewed teachers pointed out that assessment is measurement oriented, focused on grades and report cards, in a classifying and quantitative perspective, understood as necessary once it’s part of the scholar bureaucracy.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilAlfabetização e letramentoAvaliaçãoConteúdosPNAICLiteracy and writingAssessmentPNAICContentsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMConteúdos avaliados nos anos inicial e final do ciclo de alfabetizaçãoContent evaluated in the initial and final years of the literacy cycleDissertação