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Item A política de cotas na Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFGINCLUI): concepção, implantação e desafios(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-02-27) Rosa, Chaiane de Medeiros; Gonçalves, Ana Maria;; Gonçalves, Ana Maria; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Silva, Marcelo Soares Pereira daThe present study investigates the quota politics adopted by the Federal University of Goiás (FUG), which contemplates students from public schools, black students from public school, indigenous and maroons. Demarcates as neoliberal adjustment policies developed by the Brazilian government, especially since the 1990s, configure a comprehensive reform in education, especially in higher education. The focus of the research, therefore, is the FUG’s quota program, UFGInclui, seeking to uncover the fundamentals, limits and contradictions of this program and its articulation with the politics of expansion and democratization of access to Brazilian federal universities. Following parameters of qualitative research, this research take place from bibliographic research, documental research and empirical research. The theoretical approach is anchored in analyzes of authors such as Amaral (2004, 2009), Ferreira and Oliveira (2011, 2012), Oliveira (2009), Santos (1999), Sguissardi (2009) and others. Moreover, it is the object of analysis the following documentary corpus: legislation, policies comprising higher education in Brazil and Goiás, the legal orders, resolutions and regulations specific of FUG; statistical data from national research institutions and statistics about the program UFGInclui. The results indicate that several aspects deserve to be the object of intervention aiming to improve the process of democratization of access to higher education at FUG. The study, however, highlights the need of the quota policies in order to ensure access to higher education for historically excluded groups. Recognizes that the program UFGInclui constitutes an improvement in the democratization of access to higher education in Goiás, but evaluates that there is a set of actions to be developed within the university in order to its improvement.Item Infâncias e direitos das crianças na educação infantil: uma análise a partir do projeto político pedagógico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-03-14) Pimentel, Fabiana Soares; Silva, AItina Abadia da;; Silva, Altina Abadia da; Cunha, Myrtes Dias da; Pires, Selma MartinesThis research is developed for Post Graduate program in Education of the Federal University of Goiás – Catalão campus, related to the Research: Educational Practices, Educational Politics and Inclusion. The research is a subject that expresses an urgency of early childhood education: the articulation between the Political Educational Project and the assurance of children’s rights, focusing on the politics implemented in the last decades and the educational practices. The goal of this research is to comprehend if the Political Educational Project is an instrument of organization in the political and educational in which reveals and effectively has a child as the subject of rights. The methodology of investigation was fundamental in the qualitative research and instrumental in obtaining the data involved, registered from multiple interviews and from outside studies. The documental analysis, we worked with official documents that focused on Childhood Education, elaborated by MEC, from SME, through the Municipal Counselor of Education of Goiania, and from Researched Institutions (Political Educational Project). The empirical research was accomplished in two phases, being that the first one was constituted by observations and data from two Municipal Centers of Education in Goiania, and the second one was accomplished by interviewing in such institutions. The theoretical reference utilized for the analysis and the critical reflection of the subject of study was created from different authors with significant production on the Educational Politics, as well as the practical education focused on childhood, such as: Ariés (1981); Charlot (1986); Kramer (1995); Kuhlmann Jr. (2001); Merisse (1997); Rizzinni (2008); Rosemberg (1989); Haddad (1991) and others. The results of this study indicated that starting on the second half of the XX century, in which the history of the childhood in Brazilian children was created, and consequently the formulation of its conceptions, it was defined by its judicial and legal system. Therefore, it’s considered that without the knowledge of childhood, children and its rights are in relation to the historical, logical and the concrete conditions and goals of political projects and educational institutions of childhood, conceptions of childhood and children, continues to be abstract. I emphasize of the necessity to comprehend the process of building early childhood education, in which will guaranty, above all, the children’s rights.Item Formação de professores nas licenciaturas do Instituto Federal Goiano: políticas , currículos e docentes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-07) Arantes, Fabiano José Ferreira; Tartuci, Dulcéria;; Tartuci, Dulcéria; Silva, Kátia Augusta Curado Pinheiro Cordeiro da; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Rivas, Noeli Prestes PadilhaThis work has as the theme teacher formation, and its objective is to analyze the process of teachers’ formation in licentiate degree at the Goiano Federal Institute, from politics, curriculum and professors who compose the courses. The assumption that guides the analysis is that these courses present character of teacher formationfor bachelor's degree programs. Nowadays, the offering of these courses, especially the ones in the area of natural sciences and mathematics, is a reality of the expansion of the government politics for teacher formation. In order to reveal the object, it was decided to use two methodological strategies: a) proposition of questionnaires, b) analysis of documents such as: curriculum matrices of licentiate courses, pedagogical projects of course, official texts of the Goiano Federal Institute and of the National Council of Education. The investigation has as a reference licentiate courses in mathematics, biological sciences and chemistry of the five functioning campuses that compose the Goiano Federal Institute as well as the teachers working on them. What motivates developing this study about the courses of teacher formation in the context of the Goiano Federal Institute is to know: In what perspective these courses are being implemented? These courses are organized as licentiate degree? The curricular matrices and the pedagogical projects of these courses have as reference teacher formation? The professional profile of the teachers who work in these courses has, as reference, education, teacher formation? Seeking to answer, the study is organized in four chapters. In order to approach the understanding of these issues, the work performs an initial discussion about teacher formation, discussing its prospects and the specificities that compose teaching, in order to reflect on a formation not redemptive. The investigation begins from studies of official documents that discuss the politics of teaching formation in the country, the curriculum matrices and the pedagogical projects. Destined to know their teachers, questionnaires are applied to them. The research allows us to observe that the courses are organized under different perspectives, their matrices, mostly from the quantitative point of view shows some concentration in specific areas, presented a formation very close to the 3 +1 model, there is a dissonance as to what is proposed in the pedagogical courses and their matrices with respect to teacher training, and that the profile of the teachers who work in the courses is related to licentiate degree. The consolidation of the Goiano Federal Institute as a space of offering of licentiate courses is related to the necessity of proposing specific politics for teacher formation, from a crucial review of its matrices, a deep discussion of their courses projects, incentives to the research in the education area and objective actions in the process of teacher formation. Otherwise, there is the risk of getting lost along the way in consequence of the diffusion of its performance as an active institution in distinct levels and types of education.Item Atuação do professor de apoio à inclusão e os indicadores de ensino colaborativo em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-14) Freitas, Adriana de Oliveira; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Maria Marta Lopes FloresThe role of the Special Education professionals are becoming an essential condition for education and inclusion of students with special educational needs. The support of these students has raised the discussion of the relationship Common Education Network in Regular and Special Education, ie involves the debate on the need to develop a coordinated action between different educational agents within the school inclusion. In this sense the collaborative approach between these various actors involved in the education of these students: Regents Professor common class, support teacher `inclusion, teacher resource rooms multifunctional, family and community, is assuming a key role in a relationship positive among these professionals to contribute to the promotion of academic success of students with educational needs and other students of the school. So understand how the work has constituted the Special Education Professional allows you to analyze aspects of the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. Thus, we chose to define the teacher to support inclusion, as this professional has assumed an important role in the implementation of inclusion policies in Goiás So ask yourself: How has the role of teacher to support inclusion? What indicators are present in collaborative teaching and teacher performance to support inclusion? The main objective of this research is to analyze the words of teachers to support inclusion of their educational practices and indicators that they present for collaborative teaching. In this research we used the collaborative research, this type of research the researcher and seek data also enables the continuous training of teachers, space for teachers to have freedom of expression, the analyzes were carried out in stages which is subdivided into six meetings. In the first meeting held by Oceesp participating teachers to be informed about the objectives and risks of the study signed the Terms of Consent (IC), agreeing to participate in the research, thereby allowing the use of their lines and all registration information listed during the search. In addition, the teachers answered a questionnaire on appearing on your identifying information, education and performance. Was focused on the role and activities of teachers to support inclusion through a press conference. The desk study on the role and performance of the teacher Inclusion support and collaborative learning was conducted in order to inform and enlighten teachers about national and state legislation on special education and inclusion, contextualizing the role and function of the teacher support, providing a better understanding of collaborative learning, its relationship with the classroom teacher, culminating in the synthesis of the data.Item Do mal-estar docente de professores do ensino médio: contribuições de Nietzsche e Freud(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-24) Santos, Yara Magalhães dos; Silva, Sérgio Pereira da; study proposes a research about teacher malaise, including it as part of a larger social and cultural phenomenon present in all contemporary western society, but that wins peculiar characteristics in the practice of teaching. Specifically, the study has as its object of investigation the malaise of high school teachers of Uberlândia-MG, seeking to answer to the research problem, and thus understand the reasons of the malaise of this group of teachers. Therefore, it was held, in addition to bibliographical research about the topic, empirical research with a qualitative approach, which relied on data from oral sources. From the interviews, we seek to give voice to the anguish that reaches teachers in professional practice, trying to understand what is found behind the typical symptoms of malaise teaching, such as apathy, discouragement, frustration, physical and psychological diseases, and other issues discussed on the script. We also seek to shed light the context of career choice, the practice of teaching and historically constructed representations of teaching. In this study, we worked with two theoretical approaches to understand the reasons of the malaise: the psychoanalysis, of Freud, and the philosophy, of Nietzsche. Besides the classic texts of the authors, we based ourselves on texts by contemporary authors, descendants of these theoretical perspectives. The referential of Freud gives us a historical and structural analysis of the malaise in humanity; while Nietzsche enables us a culturalist view of some phenomena that are shown associated with that anguish that affects many teachers. We verified that some reasons of the malaise in high school are associated to failures of the educational process as operator of interdiction of students; the degenerescence and depreciation of some values in the educational field, more specifically the values of social recognition, teacher authority, and social ascension values attributed for education, and the "place mater" of knowledge attributed to the school. These failures characterize a nihilistic experience in the Nietzschean vision of sense of orphanhood, arising from the debacle of values that guided the magisterium, besides a complex movement of self-harm and inverted valuations , interpreted as action of bad conscience. All these factors are shown up as result of impasses constituted in community living and in the regulations that seek to regulate it, being these norms conceived as a state of civilization, morality, or simply as social ethics. The research results indicate the state of passivity and hopelessness of some teachers front of these issues. Having analyzed the reasons for the malaise, the research concludes that a overrun of this state of passivity requires the decoupling of the discourse that puts the teacher as a hostage and victim of these dilemmas. The study shows, for these teachers, the need for the exercise of their desire to potency, human power affirmative. It also postulates the importance of reinventing a new ethic school that reconciles the cultural and social changes of contemporaneity to the requirements for maintenance of community life with fewer conflictsItem Educação e “ingênuos” em Goiás 1871-1888(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-26) Barros, Karla Alves Coelho Tertuliano de; Honório Filho, Wolney;; Honório Filho, Wolney; Barros, Aparecida de Almeida; Veiga, Cynthia GreiveThis research analyzes how the proposals were shaped for the ingenuous education in the province of Goiás between 1871 and 1888, seeking to understand the propositions and actions for education in this part of the population that emerged after the promulgation of the Law of the Free Womb, in 1871. This research is characterized as documentary, without neglecting, however, the bibliographical research. Within the mass of documents analyzed, we highlight the legislation, reports from provincial presidents and journals. The theoretical basis of this text are the works of Veiga (2002, 2004, 2008, 2010), Gondra and Schueler (2008), Barra (2011), Elias (1980, 1993, 1994), and others. The ingenuous existed in Goiás and their experience intensified changes that had been taking place since the mid-nineteenth century in this province. The education of this group was the subject of debate and discussion, a movement which has revealed conceptions of education and educational activities for different social groups in the province of Goiás in the nineteenth century, conceptions and actions that we believe are essential to the understanding of this period of history in Goiás. So, much more than conclusions, this work points to the need for new investments in research on education of Goiás in the nineteenth century, especially with regard to primary education, its goals and its target audience.Item O educandário Nossa Senhora Aparecida–Ipameri-GO (1936-1969)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-27) Peixoto, Patrícia Rodrigues Luiz; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida; study aimed to investigate the origin of Breed Our Lady Aparecida in Ipameri-GO, founded and directed by the Congregation of the Missionaries of Jesus Crucified in the period from 1936 to 1969. For this, sought to know the principles of this congregation in the dynamic of Catholic Church, attuned to the interest and commitment of religious expansion in cities that served as points of irradiation of offices of the church and Catholic education. Thus, the particulars about the functioning and internal organization indicated the traces of the institutional history, that gave visibility to the intention to educate the children of society of Ipameri in the mold of Catholic faith. Methodologically, the study was situated in the area of History of Education, cropping in the parts of the School Culture and School Institutions, based on the documentary and bibliographic researches, which allowed the identification of different cultural objects that formed the empirical sample. The analyzes and interpretations were based, theoretical and methodological, in authors such as Barra (2011); Ginzburg (2011); Souza (2008); Bencosta (2005); Brandão (2005); Faria Filho (2005; 2002); Buffa and Pinto (2002), Thompson (2002; 1981); Borges (2000); Cunha (2000); Frago and Escolano (1998); Forquin (1993); Bretas (1991) and Loureiro (1988). In particular, the traces of School Culture were perceived in the vestiges of the institutional existence, marked by the mediation of symbols, rituals, norms and practices materialized in the Catholic school institution. The organization of spaces and times, as well as relations of the breed with the society, in the local and regional context, were interpreted according to the data obtained and the literature review, which pointed to the accomplishment of its primary goal: to become an institution reference to society, inscribing a school culture formatted by the principles and fundamentals Catholic Christians.Item História e memória do Ginásio Simon Bolívar em Corumbaíba-GO (1956 a 1974)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-27) NAVES, Nelsimar José; Honório Filho, Wolney; present research is based on an investigation around the History and Memory of the Educational Institutions. The study was developed from the following problem: how to get up and settles the Simon Bolivar in Corumbaíba, from 1956 to 1974? The time frame chosen was between the years of 1956, at which time began the process of institutionalization of Simon Bolivar, Gymnasium and 1974, the year in which this school is separated from the National Campaign to Free Educacional, passing then to have officially as sponsor, the municipality of Corumbaíba. The overall objective of the research is to understand the historical aspects that led to the emergence and the consolidation of the Simon Bolivar Gymnasium , establishing an analysis around what this school represents in the history of the city of Corumbaíba-GO, and in memory of those who, in one way or another, she retained some binding. Specifically, this research seeks to make a historical approach of Simon Bolivar, Gymnasium during the timeframe proposed by the contextualization with the political and socio-cultural reality of Corumbaíba, deepening the discussion around the possible relationships of power that permeated the reality of this school, as well as analyze what proposed at the time, around the expansion of secondary education in the State of Goiás and in Brazil; search still, establish a discussion about the role of the Municipal Sector of National Campaign to Free Educacional (CNEG) and as the scene of his influence, next to Gymnasium Management Simon Bolivar; In addition to establishing the analysis about the memories built over the years, this school and its founder, through the available documentation and interviews. The hypothesis proposed is that the creation of Simon Bolivar and Gymnasium the way he was organizing has a close relationship with the struggle for political hegemony in Corumbaíba. In this way, the history and the memory of this school is mainly from such events and experiences.Item Formação continuada: professores da educação infantil da rede municipal de Catalão-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-07-17) Duarte, Luciana Candida; Silva, Altina Abadia da; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes;; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Silva, Altina Abadia da; Cruz, Maria Nazaré da; Tartuce, DulcériaThis study analyzes the continuing education that the Municipal Education Catalan -GO provided for the qualification of teachers from kindergarten, in the period 2000-2010. The research aims to provide a reflection on the concepts of continuing education expressed by managers (Municipal Education Catalao- GO) and teachers. Survey data were obtained through interviews with fourteen teachers from five educational institutions, who worked in Early Childhood Education, between 2000 and 2010, with the General Coordinator of Early Childhood Education and the Secretary of Education of the Catalan period. We also analysis of official documents as: Crafts, Worksheets Courses, History of Early Childhood Education, Academic Calendar, provided by the Municipal Education. For this investigation we have adopted as a theoretical André (2001), Charlot (2006), Imbernon (2009), Gatti (2001) and Leotiev (1978). Light Activity Theory, we interpret the needs and reasons for continuing education of teachers appointed in the speeches and the management in order to understand the peculiarities of a reflective teacher, active in a continuous process of learning and teacher training. The relevance of this work, a reflection on the subject, always timely, is the possibility it offers to the researcher, the researched and behind him aware of rethinking teacher education aware that the development of professional teaching happens by work activity, teaching, and its content, which changes with the socio-historical conditions. Training possibilities arise under these conditions (objective and subjective) in a dialectical process of changing needs. Thus the actions of continuing education are configured at a propitious time for teachers to rethink the everyday, diagnose problems and discuss possible solutions as: the formation horizontal (not vertical), the clarity of the dilemmas that present themselves, to set targets, the importance of frequent and systematic collective work, the multiplier effect of joint participation and continuing education. We need teachers and teachers of teachers reflect on the daily practice on the training processes, models of initial and continuing training and are aware of the importance and need for training as an ongoing process of negotiation and discoveries that provide new grounds and experiences for educational pedagogical action.Item Construção de práticas de ensino de leitura: com a palavra o professor(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-07-31) Guimarães, Sione Pires de Morais; Rossi, Maria Aparecida Lopes; voice to the teacher tell how he has been building his practices of teaching reading, describing his view, inserted in a context where most studies imply that the difficulty of building readership is in the teaching / learning of reading, putting as the author of the failure of this teaching is the goal of this work. For this, we seek to raise aspects of the experience of three teachers working in the 5th grade of Elementary School, trying to identify the needs and difficulties faced in teaching; analyze the structural conditions and materials, which are offered for teachers to build their teaching practices read and observe their plans with respect to the work with reading in the classroom. We assume that, as emphasizes Borges da Silva (2001), if the academic work aims to contribute to an improvement of basic education, it is essential to consider the needs of knowledge and counterarguments teacher. The research was conducted within the qualitative paradigm, from a socio-historical approach, with a view to study the processes that involve research, going beyond just an end product. The process of data collection, following the tradition of qualitative research (LÜDKE and ANDRÉ, 1986), included the semistructured interview, dialogued, and observation of teachers' planning. The literature review comprised studies on reading as the construction of meanings, the relationship of teaching reading literacy in the student and construction practices of reading instruction teacher training. The research has revealed a reality of distance between what is preached in the laws of education and what is accomplished in practice, which makes it difficult for teachers able, alone, to leverage the quality of public education. Teachers find themselves in a scenario that is being blamed for the difficulty in forming critical readers and proficient. Claim that, in addition to its responsibilities as the professional who should lead the process of teaching and learning, the government must assert his speech in favor of investments in education resources, it is for the school management to break with a practice dedicated to serve the interests capital, omitting the function that should play as contributors to the achievement of successful teaching in the public schools, and to exercise a function of partakers in conducting the activities of the school. We note that the hours activities, work context, the pedagogical orientations and school management are configured in a tangle of obstacles for the teacher fight for better working conditions and a really effective teaching. We hope that this study will contribute to the strengthening and consolidation of prioritizing future work to give voice to teachers, at the expense of research which focuses on studies of their practices. This is because the voice of those professionals, showed us the need to keep rethinking the lonely context job in which they operate, and that has influenced negatively in building their practices of teaching readingItem Organização do trabalho pedagógico, funcionamento e avaliação no atendimento educacional especializado em salas de recursos multifuncionais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-12) Cardoso, Camila Rocha; Tartuci, Dulcéria;; Tartuci, Dulcéria; Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Pletsch, Márcia DeniseThe legislation that deals with Specialized Educational Service provides that it must be based on respect for individual differences and for diversity, with a focus on the ways and conditions of student learning and always maintaining a flexible character. Although this service has as function the support to regular education, we assume that it has not been in line with the educational process of students with special educational needs due to several factors, including the difficulty of implementing the Multifunctional Resource Rooms program and the pedagogical unpreparedness in the action of the teachers who work in these rooms. Thus, we question: how to organize the pedagogical work of the specialized educational services in the Multifunctional Resource Rooms? And how does the planning, development and evaluation of this service work? We aim, in the proposed research study, to analyze the ways of organization of educational work in the Multifunctional Resource Rooms. This research is part of the Catalano Special Education Observatory, which is linked to the National Special Education Observatory and focuses on collaborative research, which has a focus on intervention procedures that aim to change certain reality, emancipating the individuals who belong to it and bringing the two dimensions of educational research together: the production of knowledge and continuous teacher training. The research was conducted with teachers of the Multifunctional Resource Rooms related to Education Secretariat of the region of Catalão. Data collection was made through interviews, all meetings were filmed, and the audio files were, Afterwards, transcribed. Seventeen teachers participated in the study in 2011, and, thirteen of these, in 2012, totaling eight meetings. Interview data were analyzed in a joint work with participants and, then, categories were established, covering discussions on planning, contents worked in the multifunctional resource rooms and assessment processes of students with special educational needs. The results show a lack of understanding from teachers in relation to their pedagogical role in the multifunctional resource room, which has consequences in the construction of an inclusive education. It was also noted that the kinds of teacher training and the conditions of implementation of these rooms create constraints for the work of this teacher. An alternative used to overcome the problems faced by these teachers daily was the collaborative research, which provided them an experience exchange, very rich discussions and reflections that certainly may contribute to their performance in the multifunctional resource rooms.Item A formação dos professores de atendimento educacional especializado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-24) Silva, Márcia Rodrigues da; Tartuci, Dulcéria;; Tartuci, Dulcéria; Pletsch, Márcia Denise; Moura, Simone Moreira de; Flores, Maria Marta LopesSpecialized educational support is offered in the Multifunctional Resources rooms, which aim to ensure the educational process of children with special needs. Thus, some questions were raised: What is the formation profile of the teachers who work in specialized education? What policy guidelines and continuing education programs the government of Goiás has been offering? What are the courses offered by the Catalão Regional Under-secretariat for Education? How collaborative research can contribute to the professional development of special education teachers? The objective of this research was to investigate the formation processes of teachers in Goiás, from 1999 to 2012. For this purpose, we used an identification sheet, to outline the teachers’ profile. There was a research on training courses promoted by the government of Goias, a research on courses offered by the Catalão Regional Under-secretariat for Education, as well as an analysis of the certificates of the courses that the teachers have done. In the interview, we used a semi-structured script for trigger questions. The research was conducted at the Federal University of Goiás, Campus Catalão, with monthly meetings. The data collected by document analysis showed that, in Goiás, Higher education is required to work in the Multifunctional Resources rooms, however, this is not always a parameter to work with specialized educational support. In relation to training courses offered by the State Program for Diversity in Inclusive Perspective and courses of the Catalão Regional Under-secretariat for Education, research has shown that the proposal was based on a multiplier-based approach, with emphasis on deficiencies in preference to a more critical and reflective formation. The certificates showed that many teachers working have no training in the area. Regarding the interviews, they were analyzed from units of meaning and listed in three categories: The training processes of the teacher who works in specialized educational support; Constitution of Special Education teacher identity and Professional Development and Continuing Education and Collaborative Research. It was found that the initial formation was considered deficient and insufficient; the distance training program, implemented by the federal government, does not guarantee teachers access to public institutions of higher education. The devaluation of the profession has caused a distortion of the identity of special education teachers, because of the different roles they are taking at school. We found that collaborative research and continuing education in the perspective of professional development is a possibility that can significantly contribute to the improvement of their teaching practice.Item Ingresso e permanência de alunos com deficiência na UFG/Campus Catalão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-26) Tartuci, Tânia Maria; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes;; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Guerreiro, Elaine Maria Bessa Rebello; Peres, Selma MartinesThe present work aimed to understand how the admission and permanence of students with disabilities has happened in higher education, specifically in undergraduate courses, in classroom mode, Campus Catalão/UFG, based on an analysis of inclusion policies implemented in the institution. The time frame covered the period between the years 2003 to 2012, considering that in 2003 the Ministerial Decree 3.284/2003 was published, providing for accessibility requirements of people with disabilities to instruct the authorization, recognition of courses and institutions of higher education, as well as for renovation of the existing ones. Join to this relevant fact, in the same year, the process of expansion of IFES began. It aimed, among other objectives, to expand ac cess to university and promote social inclusion. A qualitative research study had as main objective to analyze policies of inclusion of students with disabilities implemented at UFG. Such research sought through its specific goals, identify guidelines that regulate the inclusion of students with disabilities, describe policies implemented to ensure access and permanent of students with disabilities in the UFG campus in Catalão/GO and understand the achievements and difficulties of inclusion in that campus. The methodological criteria adopted was a documentary research, as it sought to examine documents on the subject, found on campus in study. In a complementary manner, semi-structured interviews with professors of the institution were carried. In order to d iagnose the accessibility of routes used by the community and the main buildings therein, it was applied a protocol of physical accessibility. The corpus of documentary analysis consisted of exam edicts, candidate manuals, student guides and institutional documents found on file. The data collected regarding students with disabilities, were collected and organized into categories, based on elements of content analysis. The lack of knowledge by the teachers, as it should be their practice in the classroom with disabled students and the need to create an industry to support inclusion for these students, teachers and other employees of the institution, were also visible in the study. The implementation of the accessibility protocol provided real data about elements lacking physical accessibility of care, so as to be suitable to the needs of the new students of the university.Item A disciplina ensino religioso no currículo escolar brasileiro: institucionalização e permanência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-26) Muniz, Tamiris Alves; Gonçalves, Ana Maria; Gonçalves, Ana Maria; Souza, Rosa Fátima de; Duarte, Teresinha MariaThe present study has as object of research the subject Religious Education in the curriculum of the Brazilian schools. In this sense, seek to explain how was the construction of this subject in the curriculum of public schools in Brazil, mostly in the period of 1988 to 2010, wich comprehend a rich period in discussion, public politics of implantation to an area and the fight for the educacional field consolidation. It was established as general objective to understand the historical process of construction of the subject Religious Education in the curriculum of Brazilian public schools, and how specific objectives: to analyze the studies in the field of the history of the curriculum and history of the disciplines in order to understand how comes developing the research in these fields of research; demarcate as historically constituted the religious education in school subject and integrated the curriculum of Brazilian public schools; and to analyze the permanence of the subject Religious Education in the curriculum from the analysis of the experience of its configuration in the education system of Goiás. The study belongs to the field of research about the history of school subjects and adopts the socio-historical perspective of curriculum grounded in theories of André Chervel (1990), Gimeno Sacristán (2000), Ivor Goodson (1995, 1997, 2007, 2008) and Dominique Julia (2001, 2002 ), who design the curriculum and the subjects as cultural artifact. The adopted bibliography also includes discussions in the history of education concerning to the history of religious education in Brazilian education, greatly the studies of Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury (1986, 1993, 2004, 2005), Dermeval Saviani (2008), Luiz Antonio Cunha (1996, 2006, 2007a/b, 2012; 2013), and Sergio Junqueira (2002, 2010, 2011). Among the selected sources are written documents, mostly official documents, such as: legislation and curriculum programs relating to the subject Religious Education at the national level and the state of Goiás. Thus, the research is based particularly on the analysis of the formal curriculum, visible and public testimony, in the goodsonian purposes of rationalities and rhetoric that support the school practices. The results indicate that the subject Religious Education follows a trajectory similar to subjects as History, Geography and Physical Educationthat, became institutionalized in the same period, the 1930s. However, safeguard a peculiarity about the configuration standards: the fact of having groups outside the educational field as a strong disciplinary community. This community is made scholars linked to the religious field under the leadership of the Catholic Church. This characteristic is fed of the lack of autonomy of the educational field towards the political and religious fields, but especially from the omission of the State about its regulations and the indifference of specialists in the educational field about this discussion, which are only active in punctual moments and/or by the few scholars of the subject. On this occasion, the present study emphasizes the urgent need to questioning the presence of this subject in the curriculum from the educational field, from the effort of researchers in appropriating the work mode, that characterizes the thinking of Chervel and Goodson.Item Formação e profissionalização de pedagogas do interior de Goiás a partir de suas biografias educativas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-27) Lima, Daniel Fernando de; Honório Filho, Wolney;; Honório Filho, Wolney; Barreiro, Cristhianny Bento; Santos, Márcia Pereira dosObjective to analyze the life histories and the formation of teachers/pedagogues egresses of the Pedagogy course on Catalão campus, on the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Through interviews and memorials, I seek to reveal the following problem: how are effective the relationships between the training they had and training they provide while teachers? The general objective of this research is to elaborate reflections from educational biographies of the teachers interviewed, recovering his memories and meanings about training and professionalization throughout their lives. The specific objectives of this, in turn, consist of: 1) analyze the importance of lifelong education egresses of these teachers of the Pedagogy course, 2) reflect on the professionalization of these teachers, and 3) understand the relations between training and professionalization signified by them. In this sense, the guiding point of this research refers to the reflection of four teachers, relating the story of their own lives with lifelong training and professionalization. For this, I tried to work from the educational biographies, which, as Honorio Filho (2009), present in its developmental perspective, but also provide the narration itself caused by another, in case I, the researcher Daniel. The narrative itself caused by the researcher is not only the desire to tell, but to tell another very specific. From the understanding of how teachers/pedagogues live, I seek, therefore, to understand how the formation of these women as teachers, as well as their dialectical relations in society, demonstrating thus the relevance of life history in the formation processes.Item A escola agrícola de Urutaí (1953-1963): singularidades da cultura escolar agrícola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-14) Issa, Silvia Aparecida Caixeta; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida;; Barros, Maria Aparecida Almeida; Gonçalves, Ana Maria; Inácio Filho, GeraldoThis research examines the process of the early stages of work on the Farm School of Urutaí (FSU), with informational summaries based on when the 1953 Farm Model Creation was turned into a school institution in 1963. At this time, many conditions changed at the Farm School within the area of agriculture. The research intends to analyze the institutional construction and the training practices that were developed at the school within the second half of the twentieth century. As a means to understand the peculiarities of the agricultural school culture, the effects of economic advancements are examined within the context of agricultural development policy and livestock farming of the state of Goiás, as well as Brazil in general. Documents that support this study are reports, manuscripts, newspapers, register of enrollments and diplomas, transcripts, minutes and books of records of correspondences. The theoretical support included contributions by Magalhães (2004), Buffa (2002), Escolano (2000), Viñao Frago (1995: 2006) e Escolano e Viñao Frago (1998). The origin and the installation of the process on the Farm School of Urutaí (FSU) during the study period must be considered in order to understand the roles in the formation of an agricultural school culture oriented to the agriculture of Goiás, based on organizational, prescriptive, technical and methodological issues structured to laws common to other institutions of schools, integrated into a larger system in which the educational phenomenon was designed and developed. As a result, the intent was to highlight how the characteristics of school culture at this institution were correlated to different aspects and requirements of internal and external projections.Item Experiências de leitura de crianças em diferentes contextos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-20) Larovere, Andrea Del; Peres, Selma Martines; 000.000.000-00; aim of this master thesis was to identify and analyze the reading experiences ‒ referring to the written text ‒ established at the school and extra school contexts that were narrated by four students. In order to do this, we selected two male and two female students from the fifth year of elementary school in a school that belongs to the public education system of the city of Catalão (GO). The methodology was based on a case study of ethnographic kind. The theoretical framework was based on the concepts of experience, from Larrosa (1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009), Dewey (2007, 2010) and Benjamin (1994), and reading, from the works of Chartier (1996, 1999, 2007), Freire (2003), Soares (1999), Paulino (2001), Kleiman (2002), Yunes (2003), among others. The analysis showed us that the reading in the school context was tied to pragmatism, especially to the accomplishment of activities such as presentation of read stories and use of textbooks related to the copy. However, this context contributed to the establishment of the reading experiences because through its library the school put the reading materials available to the students, who, in their turn, made their choices and read according to their interests. Concerning the reading experiences in extra school contexts, we verified that both the school library and the public and private libraries of the city were crucial to encourage reading, providing students with reading materials that were read in waiting times, not only in these places but also at home. We also observed that the reading experiences were constituted mainly through printed materials – as books and comics. Besides, we proved that the experiences were related to the particular and subjective wishes of the students, especially to the familiar socialization/interaction, as well as to the future expectations of the students, to entertainment and welcoming. Thus, the “happened” readings in the waiting and idle times, in waiting for the end of a time until the beginning of other, in the school and extra school contexts, were significant for the establishment of reading experiences, because they achieved to touch and leave marks in the readers.Item Tecnologia assistiva na perspectiva das professoras de atendimento educacional especializado no sudeste goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-21) Reis, Claudinei Vieira dos; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes;; Flores, Maria Marta Lopes; Tartuci, Dulcéria; Gonçalves, Adriana Garcia; Peres, Selma MartinesThe specialized educational services offered to the target audience of Special Education students, happens through specialized support for multifunction resource rooms. The space of these rooms are equipped with numerous facilities, suitable teaching materials and resources, such as computing resources, lenses and magnifying glasses, Soroban, augmented alternative communication cards, slates, tailored educational games, and resources made by hand by teachers, among others. This arsenal of products, services, methodologies and strategies, known as Assistive Technology in the educational context, have the premise of enabling the public goal of educating special education alternatives that provide or enhance their functional abilities, communication, mobility, study or work ensuring educational advancement of these students, promoting independent living and inclusion. Thus, it is established as a general goal of this research: to understand how Assistive Technology has been used by specialized educational assistance teachers in helping public education of students in Special Education from the target multifunctions resources in southeast Goiás. To answer this question, this paper defined as complementary objectives: a) to analyze the understanding that specialized educational assistance teachers have on Assistive Technology; b) identify the different criteria used by the teachers in the implementation process of appeal Assistive Technology in educational activities, with regard to identifying the need presented by the student, feature selection, evaluation by the student on the use and monitoring of the same; c) check the limits and requirements related to the use of Assistive Technology that teachers in their educational activities. This study is part of the Catalano Special Education Observatory, linked to the National Special Education Observatory and follows the precepts of collaborative research, which aims at partnership between the interviewed teachers and researchers in the construction of theories about their professional practice with a view to producing knowledge and continuing education. The data were collected in 2012 from a media conference, involving thirteen specialized educational services teachers, the state schools of Catalão/GO and cities jurisdiction over the Education Secretariat of the region of Catalão. All interviews were audio and video and its contents fully transcribed. This content was analyzed together with the participating teachers, themes that revolved around the concept of Assistive Technology, the process of implementation of Assistive Technology in the multifunction resources rooms have been established , beyond the limits and needs identified by teachers in the use of Assistive Technology. As research results, the data point to the need for teacher training focused on the use of Assistive Technology. This gap in training prevents teachers have mastery of features and characteristics of resources, avoiding to make an effective pedagogical work, ensuring the education of the public by educating target of Special Education. The absence of adequate specialized educational services for the physical space was also mentioned by teachers as a limiting factor for effective teaching practices more efficient.Item Reformulação curricular do ensino médio no estado de Goiás (2007-2011)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-21) Ferreira, Vinícius Duarte; Silva, Sérgio Pereira da;; Silva, Sérgio Pereira da; Barros, Aparecida Maria Almeida; Palafox, Gabriel Humberto MuñozIn this study we present an analysis of the curriculum reform process occurred in public schools of the state of Goias during the years 2007 to 2011, discussing the scope and limits of the programs implemented in secondary school by the State Department of Education. We adopted a perspective of analysis concerned with understanding the existing relations between educational policies, the establishment of school curricula, and finally, how to reflect such articulation within the existing pedagogical concepts in the curriculum reform process in Goiás. Therefore, we performed a case study in the State school Christóvam Comendador de Oliveira (Pirenópolis-GO) with the goal of checking how the implementation of this reform happened in practice. Faced with the need to understand the relationship between culture and its processes of integration in teaching concepts, and also the possibilities of an emerging strand of change in the set of state reforms, we sought to problematize our thematic analysis based on discussion of the hidden curriculum proposed by Michael Apple and also the contributions of authors such as Sacristan, Moreira and Saviani. The results from this study showed that the ways of implementing this reform allowed teachers, in a certain way, to build a more autonomous curricular experience in relation to the prescriptive tradition present in the state system until that time.Item Jardim de infância em Goiás (1928-1937): educação e processo civilizador(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-05-23) Fonseca, Lara Cariny Celestino; Peres, Selma Martines;; Gonçalves, Ana Maria; Veiga, Cynthia GreiveThe present work has as its object of investigation the first public Kindergarten in Goiás. Pointing up as a central issue the following question: how constituted the Kindergarten in Goiás (1928-1937) and what is its relation to the civilizing process in goiana society? Thus, the problematic raised following guided by these objectives: know how it constituted the first Kindergarten of Goiás in the period 1928-1937; know aspects of its constitution and demarcate the goiano context in which it was created; analyze its relationship with the civilizing process in State. The work has as search sources a set of documents relating to the Kindergarten goiano‟s history of Goiás in the decades from 1920 to 1930, among which stands out: the Kindergarten Regulation and Program, issued in 1928, the Primary Education Regulations of the State of Goiás, from 1930 and 1937, numbers of Correio Oficial, press organ, which circulated discussions about education that period. Another move made in the treatment of the topic relates to the theoretical studies of the civilizing process, taking main reference Norbert Elias (1993;1994) and Veiga (2009; 2010). The research was also supported in Kuhlmann Jr. (1998; 2000), Kishimoto (1988), Faria Filho (2004), Abbud (2011), among others, to address question about the “childhood” and its education. To support the discussion on education in Goiás, were used studies of Bretas (1991), Silva (1975), Canezin and Loureiro (1994), Pinto (2011; 2012), Alves (2007) and Valdez (2002). The construction of the political and social context was made from the contribution of the works of Palacín and Moraes (2008) and Chaul (1998). Among the results highlight the constitution of Kindergarten as part of the civilizing process in Goiás, indicating its configuration directed to an active and self-regulatory education that reflected the formation of the child understood the interrelationship with the adult. In this configuration, the Kindergarten in Goiás can be considered as part of the effort to strengthen the state and the formation of new social habitus, whose purpose was to give a new dimension to education and to goiana society towards progress and modernity.